40. What Would You Do (Ep. 1)

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40. What Would You Do (Ep. 1)

Brambleclaw: *bored* omsc I am so bored .0.

Firestar: then like have a teaparty with Ashfur or something *shoos Brambleclaw away*

Brambleclaw: *walks out into forest with Ashfur*

Ashfur: so what do you want to do? Tea parties, yea?

Brambleclaw: *pulls out camera* lets make a SHOW!!


Brambleclaw: And tonight, on What Would You Do, I will be your host, Brambleclaw! I will be joined with my Sub-Host-

Ashfur: 😑

Brambleclaw: -Ashfur!! Our actors tonight will be Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf! *grabs camera*


Brambleclaw: *secretly filming*

Firestar: *eating next to Ashfur*

Hollyleaf: *starts hacking like crazy all of a sudden next to Firestar*

Firestar: *backs up* what the heck dude?!

Hollyleaf: *wipes snotty nose* sorry, man. *coughs and snot flies into Firestar's mouse*

Firestar: eww! You need to go to Jayfeather's den

Hollyleaf: *walks to Jayfeather's den*


Jayfeather: *walks out of his den* yep. She is fine, no sickness just coughing for no reason

Firestar: but-

Jayfeather: respect my word

Firestar: *^*

Hollyleaf: *starts coughing all over Firestar*

Firestar: *punches Hollyleaf and runs into his den while crying*

Brambleclaw: *comes out of hiding* Firestar! It was just a joke...!

Firestar: IM INFECTED!!! *sobs*

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