25. Cliffs

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25. Cliffs

Brambleclaw: hey Firestar, I found this new part of our territory last night

Firestar: *confused* wha- how did you find a new part of our territory?!

Brambleclaw: *yawns* oh ya know, just out for a stroll and boom I was on a cliff

Firestar: hmmm.. show me it right this instant, cat

Brambleclaw: *stretches slowly* whatevesss *slowly pads out of camp*

Firestar: *follows*


Brambleclaw: well here is the- OMGSSS FIRESTAR A GIANT FLYING TWOLEG *points off in the distance*

Firestar: *eyes widen* WHERE?!?

Brambleclaw: *shoves Firestar off the cliff into a river below*

Firestar: *drags himself out of the river* *ears flat and messy wet fur* *hisses*

Brambleclaw: LOL you look better than you did before Firestar

Firestar: *growls* I'll get you back...

Brambleclaw: ya, and twolegs will fly *laughs*

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