23. Respect Nature

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23. Respect Nature

Brambleclaw: *eating a mouse* *thinks* this flavor is getting so lame *looks over to Jayfeather's den*

Sandstorm: *is sick*

Jayfeather: *holds up catmint* okay so these leaves were gathered from the very heart of ThunderClan territory and thickly grown throughout the deciduous forests near here only fully grown before winter when I have to gather all of the new stalks before the cold and snowy winter sets in and kills them and they die so I have get them quickly so I have a fresh stock throughout the winter when greencough is most likely to be contracted and spread which happens to be happening to you right now because you got too cold and got sick so now I have to give you this very delicious tasting catmint to soothe your coughing fits and hopefully heal you because with you being in my den where I sleep and live for practically the whole entire day except when I go out looking for more herbs for cats like you that are weak and cannot fight off the diseases that you catch it is very and highly likely that I will catch it so I do hope it will heal you because if it does not then I will contract it then Ashfur then Firestar and the whole clan will and after them and if that happens then everybody in ThunderClan will die a horrible death from kits to elders to you and all of the other clans will eventually die out because they rely on us more than they think and that will be the end of the clans. So don't die.

Sandstorm: *eats catmint* mmmm this is so good and so much better than the average mouse

Brambleclaw: *gets an idea* Firestar can I go on a patrol?

Firestar: well I guess you have to go with me because everybody else is out.


Firestar: *pounces on mouse and kills it*

Brambleclaw: NO!!! DONT KILL THE MICE!! *sobs* RESPECT NATURE!!! *cries and starts chewing on grass*

Firestar: I-

Brambleclaw: WHAT HAVE THEY EVER DONE TO YOU?! *sobs again*

Firestar: *annoyed* listen, cat, take the fresh-kill back to camp *pads back to camp*

Brambleclaw: *pads into camp with a jawfull of grass*

Firestar: *Lets out an exasperated sigh* Brambleclaw, I told you to-

Brambleclaw- RESPECT NATURE!!

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