47: Magic Spraypaint

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A/N hello peeps!! Sorry I have been inactive in this book for a while now... Stuff happens and all.. :/ but I now give you a little treat of a longer spoof to enjoy. Hope you guys like it <3

47. Magic Spraypaint

Brambleclaw: *walking uselessly around the forest with nothing whatsoever to do* lalalallaaalla hahaa poptarts and cats and-

Sol: *appears*

Brambleclaw: woah dude what's up bro

Sol: *looks around* wait what?! I was supposed to be traveling to Bluestar nyan cat

Brambleclaw: *sees that Sol has a spray paint can in his paws*

Sol: I was gonna give this to her as a present *holds up spray paint can*

Brambleclaw: *quickly grabs spray paint can and runs away* HAHAHAHHA

Sol: no! Wait!!!!!!! That's dangerous!!!!!!!! oh well I guess he'll figure it out for himself *disappears*


Brambleclaw: hmmmm what does this spray paint can do.... *looks at can closely*

Can: *has a label that says "MAGIC PAINT CAN TURN ANYTHING INTO A DOG"*

Brambleclaw hehehehe *sprays the paint on a mouse*

Mouse: *slowly turns into a mini dog* *doesnt realize that it's a dog*

Brambleclaw: YES! Finnally I have been searching the globe far and wide for a can of spray paint just like you you are so awesome paint now I can turn into a dog and turn Firestar into a dog and turn squirrelflight into a dog and the whole clan into a dog everybody will love it and we can have so much fun *kisses paint can* *runs back to camp with spray paint can*

Firestar: *eating a mouse alone*

Brambleclaw: *hides spray paint can behind his back* hey Firestar I have something to tell you it is really personal and important

Firestar: ...

Brambleclaw: ...

Firestar: WHAT IS IT

Brambleclaw: ...............................

Firestar: ...........

Brambleclaw: DOG *sprays Firestar quickly and runs into the bushes out of camp*

Firestar: ....... What? *is slowly turning into a dog and doesn't realize it*

Ashfur: *pads up to Firestar* hey fire-AHHHHH OMG FIREDOG WHAT THE FREAK IS WRONG WITH YOU

Firestar: I know I'm fabulous go away

Ashfur: *runs away*

Squirrelflight: A DOG!!! *points at Firestar*

Firestar: where?!

Clan: *all runs away from Firestar*

Firestar: what's-what's wrong??

Brambleclaw *bursts out laughing*

Firestar: BRAMBLECLAW!!! >:((((

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