44. School

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A/N this idea was requested by a couple of different people XD so I figured I should do it lol. Enjoy!

44. School

Brambleclaw: Alright class, time for working!! *grins a cheesy smile*

Class: *moans*

Brambleclaw: okay, so the first subject of today is....... Math!!

Firestar: *sitting at desk* *bangs head against desk several times*

Brambleclaw: quiet, class! *looks at Firestar warningly* The first problem of today is 2+2. What is it??

Firestar: *waves paw wildly*

Brambleclaw: Firestar? You have an answer?

Firestar: *nods energetically* 4!!

Brambleclaw: WRONG 😾

Firestar: but..- that-.. it-....

Brambleclaw: The CORRECT answer to 2+2 is 22!! DUHG!

Class: *laughs at Firestar*

Brambleclaw: the second problem of the day is...... 17*438(19^5\4*(3*9*45)^4)=?

Ashfur: *instantly raises paw*

Brambleclaw: hmmm... Ashfur, what is the answer?

Ashfur: *blurts out* 1.004468122!!!

Brambleclaw: hm. Very nice Ashfur. Better than sooommmeeee *glances at Firestar* of our students.


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