26. Mouse Bile

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26. Mouse Bile

Brambleclaw: *walks over to the fresh-kill pile and gets an idea* *grabs a mouse*


Brambleclaw: *walks over to Firestar* I would like to apologize for all I have done to hurt your feelings *bows head*

Firestar: what?!

Brambleclaw: *pushes mouse closer to Firestar* this is my peace offering

Firestar: *squints* and how do I know you won't break this peace?!

Brambleclaw: *speaks in a calm voice* you don't, but I trust that you will trust me to keep the peace. Once you eat the mouse, I will stop bothering you.. Forever

Firestar: *slowly starts eating the mouse* *takes a big bite* *spits it out disgustingly* EW! WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THAT??

Brambleclaw: *starts walking away while slowly shaking his head* sorry, if you can't eat the mouse, I can't make peace..

Firestar: *prods at mouse and sees mouse bile stuffed inside it* *steam comes out of his nose* you little..

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