50. Christmas

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50. Christmas

Brambleclaw: *looks at his calendar* OMG GUYS! IT BE CHRISTMAS *goes to Firestar's den*

Firestar: go away Brambleclaw it's not been a quarter moon yet


Firestar: yeah yeah and the world's gonna explode what else is new?!

Brambleclaw: let's see if Santa Claws came *walks out into the snowy clearing*

-A giant tree is in the middle of the clearing-

Brambleclaw: *speeds over to the tree* *sees presents under the tree*

Firestar: LET ME OPEN ONE! *rips open the package addressed to him*

Present: *full of coal*

Firestar no way bro!! I haven't done nothin this year thou!

Brambleclaw: *opens his present*

Present: *piles of gold and mice and FIRESTAR REPELLENT™ spill out*

Brambleclaw: yay!! ^^

Firestar: are you freaking serious. NOTHING IS WORSE THAN COAL *opens up another present for him*

Present: *full of waffles*

Firestar: NOOO!!! I TAKE THAT BACK!!!! *reads a note attached to it*

Note: *reads*: With hugs and kisses from your best pal,

Firestar: yup I'm done here *salutes* *dies from Wafflephnephobia*

Brambleclaw: HAHA SEEYA...... not

-Bluestar nyan cat is seen nyaning through the sunset and into space-

A/N OMG GUYS NO. We have finally reached the end of this book... But this isn't the end of the series, hopefully. I'll probably make more of these books. I can't believe how many people actually read these little things.. <3 I started this second book over a year ago, the series over 2 and a half years ago, and honestly never thought I would finish it, but it happened. Well, I guess this is farewell, and merry Christmas.

BYEEE!!! ~Brambleclaw


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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