8. Thanksgiving

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8. Thanksgiving

Brambleclaw: *nudges Firestar* psst its.. THANKSGIVING!

Firestar: um.. What is that..

Brambleclaw: *rolls eyes* didn't we already go over this last leaffall? And the one before that?

Firestar: I um.. Forgot.. *slowly pads away*

Brambleclaw: WAIT. *piles rocks in front of the entrance* let me explain yet again. What you do at Thanksgiving is........


Brambleclaw: ....and that is what you do at thanksgiving! *smiles cheekily*

Firestar: *is asleep* turkey.....turkey....HAM *wakes up* WHAT DID I MISS SOMETHING

Brambleclaw: get the turkey ready, Firestar *holds up knife*

Brambleclaw: *Jumps up on to high rock* Okay everybody gather 'round. Time for THANKSGIVING DINNER!!

Crowd: *cheers*

Brambleclaw: tonight, when Firestar comes back from getting his turkey.. Or whatever he is doing.., We will surprise him!!


Brambleclaw: settle down, now. Ashfur, prepare the food *throws Ashfur knife and fork*

Ashfur: what do I make

Brambleclaw: *whispers in his ear what is for dinner*

Ashfur: ohh...


Firestar: *returns* hey Brambleclaw! What have you been doing while I was gone?

Brambleclaw: making THANKSGIVING DINNER.

Firestar: *sits down at eating place (middle of the clearing)*

Brambleclaw: *jumps up on highrock* CATS OF THUNDERCLAN! I have prepared a specially made meal *glances at Firestar*

Crowd: *saliva dripping from mouths*

Brambleclaw: Ashfur, serve the turkey..

Ashfur: *chucks turkey into crowd*

Firestar: *eats a piece* EW *spits it at Lilykit* WAFFLE FILLED!

Brambleclaw: *is silent*

Firestar: WHY BRAMBLECLAW.. WHy.... *falls to the ground asleep*

Brambleclaw: 🌚

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