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Y/n went home after her and Jean split up. She changed into different clothes and lied down in her bed, she thought over everything. Mostly about how her and Jean practically hated each other for no reason, her phone vibrated and she reached into her sweater pocket.

Armin: Are you home?

Y/n: Yeah

Armin: Did you make it safely?

Y:n: Yeah, thanks for asking.

Armin: You could've said you were done talking instead of jumping out the window

Y/n: I didnt know you were there.

Armin read the text but never answered back, she cleaned up her room while she was home. It kept her mind busy, it took about an hour or so to clean everything, it was dark out. She threw herself on the bed, she picked up her phone to watch television. 

Unknown: This you?
Y/n read the text

Y/n: Whose this

Unknown: Jean
Y/n read it, she changed the 'unknown' to 'Jean' 

Y/n: What do you want

Jean: Why so snappy

Y/n: How'd you even get my number

Jean: Marco. He thought it was weird

Y/n: Well duh

Jean: So I don't rlly hate you, but I don't like you. Ykwim, like a friendship, yknow

Y/n: Huh??

Jean: Okay, it would be much easier to explain in person

Y/n: then hurry, i guess

Jean read the text, but didn't answer. She got up to unlock her front door and left it opened a crack, but didn't bother to turn any lights on. She only kept her lamp light on. She watched television on her phone. 

Jean was on his way, he wanted to socialize with y/n a bit more, but not become bestfriends. Marco was his best friend. He parked his car and stayed in his car, he texted y/n saying that he was there. She responded with 'ok.' He walked up to her house, he pushed the door open slowly. It was dark, he could see the dim light from y/n's room. He closed the door, Marco was right. It smelt of baked goods and it was warm. He knocked on her room door, then opened it slowly and came in

"Do you always leave your door open like that?" Asked Jean

"When I don't wanna answer it, yeah" Said y/n, she sat up and he sat on her bed

"What I was saying is that I wanna be friends, but I don't at the same time" Said Jean

"Y'know, you don't just stop hating someone instantly." Said y/n

"Really? I never would've guessed" Said Jean

"Oh shut up" Said y/n

"But like, how could you hate someone like me? I'm handsome-"

"Don't get too cocky, Jean-boy" Said Y/n, Jean froze

"My mom used to call me Jean-boy" Said Jean

"Really?" She asked, he nodded

"Y'know, when I was little she used to rant in French. I would pick words up from it. And oh my gosh, she made the best omelettes" Said Jean, the subject instantly changed

"Really?" Asked y/n, he nodded

"I'd never forget them. One time, I drew a picture. It was a girl, she really liked the picture. She said she was beautiful" Said Jean

"What'd she look like?" Asked y/n, his cheeks turned red

"She looked like you" He said, her cheeks turned red too

"You're bluffing." Said y/n, he shook his head, she could feel her heart beat beat faster

"Y'know, I think I forgot to lock the door" Said Jean

"I got it" Said y/n, she got up and went to lock the door. Jean sat down. 

"Damn it. Why'd I tell her that?" Thought Jean

"Just do it. I can and will" Thought y/n as she locked the door, she came back. Jean looked down on the ground, she stood in front of him. He looked up

"Was it locked?" Asked Jean

"Just locked it" She said, she sat on his legs and wrapped hers around his waist. His cheek's and ears went pink and red, she leaned in closer to kiss him, it was a deep kiss. He had one hand on her thigh and the other on her waist, she had hers around the nape of his neck.


I'm so sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger, but remember, I update this story daily, except Sundays. But, please remember to vote and comment (if you'd like). Again, I'm so sorry! I'll see if I can update later!

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