53: Marco

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'Marco' by binki, this song is a love song but this page has nothing to do with love between Marco and y/n. I just wanted to name this page after Marco and use a song. 


It was Marco's birthday! Everyone had big plans for him but they didn't quite have everything finished, y/n would be with Marco until they were finished. The sun had gone down but outdoor lights gave them light, there were also a few tables around them. 

"Do you have anything planned for your birthday?" Asked y/n

"No, not really. I went to my parents house earlier, however." Said Marco, he never really did anything when he was alone.

"How are they?" Asked y/n

"They're just fine... She made me my favorite food, so yeah. It was nice" Said Marco

"I can't believe you're already 20..." Said y/n

"I remember when I was 16. Jean was 15, so were you. Quite a lot of people were 15 and 16" Said Marco

"You really didn't have anything planned for today?" Asked y/n

"Nope. Nobody really talked to me either. You're the first person other than Jean and my parents to talk to me. Jean said he was going on a date with someone" Said Marco

"Have you tried texting or calling?" Asked y/n, Marco nodded

"They didn't answer back or pick up" Said Marco

"Why don't we dance for a while? It'll make up for everything else" Said y/n, she stood up and reached her hands out for Marco's, he smiled and took her hands. They both danced to the music and they had a great vibe together as the song 'Juice' played by Lizzo. Marco was a great dancer, and he was gentle with y/n, after all, he didn't want her to roll her ankles in the shoes she was wearing. He even knew the lyrics by heart, but avoided saying any racial slurs in the song. Once the song ended he laughed a bit, which was very contagious. Y/ns phone vibrated on the table, causing a buzzing noise. She suspected that it was Armin telling her they were finished, which was correct. 

"I forgot" Said y/n


"My car. I left something in my car" Said y/n, which was a lie. Marco followed y/n to her 'car' after she asked him too, she didn't really need to explain, Marco just said yes. 

"Are you sure your cars this way?" Asked Marco

"Yeah" Said y/n, she was really taking him to everyone else. Everyone hid behind buildings and corners as y/n and Marco got closer to the scene. They were in the middle of 2 buildings walking down the ally

"SURPRISE!!" Shouted everyone, popping out from where they were hiding. Marco's jumped and closed his eyes from being jump-scared, he opened them and saw everyone in front of him, his jaw dropped

"You're all here!" Exclaimed Marco, he ran towards everyone

"Of course we are! It's your birthday!" Exclaimed Hange, they hugged him tightly

"Thats not all!" Said Sasha, she took him by the wrist and quickly ran down the ally, everyone followed behind him. They stopped between 4 buildings, it was decorated with lighting and tables, there was a banner that said 'Happy Birthday Marco!' on it and so much more decoration. There was a table in the center with a lit cake, and it was Marco's favorite flavor of cake. Connie and Sasha took care of the music but it was actual good music and not what they usually listen to, it was the type of music Marco would listen to. Connie came with a camera too, a polaroid camera. He took pictures of Marco blowing out the candles and pictures of everyone socializing and having a good time. 

"I thought you guys were ignoring me" Said Marco

"Since when would we ignore you?" Asked Jean

"Well I don't know. You just weren't answering your phone" Said Marco

"It was all part of the plan" Said Armin

"How do you feel, Marco?" Asked y/n

"It feels like a good day. I feel at home with you guys" Said Marco

"Lets not get sappy" Said Jean

"I'm not being sappy" Said Marco, he nudged Jean

"How long did it take for you to put all this up?" Asked Marco

"A couple of hours. Its all good, though. Erwin said he'd pay for everything" Said Armin

"Thanks, guys" Said Marco

"Don't thank us until the day is over" Said Jean, y/n moved from the table to the girls table

"Hey y/n, have you heard Jean had a date today?" Asked Hitch

"Yeah. What about it?" Asked y/n, Hitch just shrugged off y/ns answer and turned to a conversation with Marlow, expecting a different answer from y/n. Soon they ran out of cake, Sasha ordered some pizza for everyone, Connie continued taking pictures and socializing, It was a great time. Marco felt at home, despite they were nowhere near his house.


It's June 16th! Not only is it half a year, but its also Marco Bodts birthday! I decided to write a page about Marco's birthday on his birthday. I decided to do this yesterday. This page is 848 words! Anyways, let me know what you think of this page in the comments and vote, please. 

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