41: Trigger of Love

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A few weeks had passed, Jean and y/n could be around each other more. The group was at the mall, the group contained of Hanji, Levi, Erwin, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Hitch, Marlowe, Moblit, Petra, Olou, Mike, Gunther, Eld, Ymir, Historia, and of course, Jean, and y/n. This time it wasn't Armin that invited everyone to the mall, instead it was Sasha. 

"So, is Erwin going to command us to certain areas, like he did last time or no?" Asked Hitch

"No, not this time." Said Sasha, "But, we do meet at this same area around 11:30"

"Before anyone goes anywhere, I think we should come to terms with other people" Said Armin, not everyone in the group knew each other quite yet.

"Hi, I'm Mike Zacharias" Said Mike, he shook y/ns hand, then proceeded to smell her

"I- uh" Said y/n, she was confused and a little scared

"Earthy... chocolate chip...and..." Mumbled Mike as he smelt y/n

"Mike, I think that's good" Said Hanji, Mike backed up and moved on from y/n

"Sorry, he has a habit of doing that" Said Hanji

"That's okay. I think" Said y/n, Hanji pulled a man to their side

"This is Moblit Berner" Said Hanji, Moblit shook y/ns hand

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n Porter" Said y/n

"Nice to meet you too" Said Moblit, he and Hanji then moved on. Y/n then met Marlowe Freudenberg. Everyone then split up, some went by themselves, some went in groups of 2 or groups of 3 and 4. Y/n went with Sasha, Connie, and Jean walked a bit faster so he was farther up ahead. 

"Ooh, c'mon y/n, we have to take pictures!" Said Sasha, y/n and Sasha went into the photobooth, Connie and Jean waited outside of it. Sasha and y/n posed differently in each photo, in one they hugged, in the other Sasha kissed y/n on the cheek, y/n kissed Sasha on the cheek in the next, they smiled, in the last they held up middle fingers. Jean and Connie went next, while Sasha and y/n waited outside, it sounded chaotic in the booth, they then came out and collected the pictures

"All that movement just for these?" Asked Sasha, she looked at the boys pictures, they sat stiffly with awkward smiles

"It was cramped" Said Connie

"Tall people problems" Whispered Sasha

"Huh?" Asked Jean

"Nothing" Sasha and y/n quietly laughed as they moved on

They moved from shop to shop, during which Sasha would not stop talking about food, so they went to the center of the mall, where they would all meet up. By 11:30 everyone was there

"We gotta figure out what to eat" Said Sasha, she joined Erwin, Hanji, and Levi's conversation on where to eat, after all Sasha did have the best taste in food. Jean couldn't help but notice that y/n was having a bleed through her jeans. He moved closer and wrapped his sweater around her waist

"Jean what-"

"You're bleeding through" Said Jean, y/n looked down

"Well you can't see it now, I'm covering it." Said Jean, y/n acted as if nothing was happening to avoid attention, it was possible a few of the group members already saw what was happening. 

"Here's what we're going to do: I'm going to drive you home and we're going to get your stuff in control, I'll figure out more on the way there" Said Jean, he whispered into her ear as he tied his jacket over her waist, it took Jean longer than it needed to tie it but he was struggling.

"Ok" Said y/n, she made eye contact with Ymir. Ymir would be best at coming up with a lie as to why y/n left, it wasn't anyones business to know why she actually left. Ymir pushed over a kid and made a scene so y/n and Jean could go. As Jean drove home, y/n knew. She knew Jean cared for her and didn't hate her so much. If he did he wouldn't have done anything. A part of her wanted to think it was a trigger of love, but she might've been overthinking it.


The credit of the page name goes to JAWNEY on his song 'Trigger Of Love'! Vote and comment (If you want) on what you think of this page!- Pico

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