117: Bubble Pop Electric

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In the moment, she moaned in pleasure as she sat on him,. Jean took care to please her to the fullest he could, he catlicked and swirled, he swiped and penetrated. It was like a tide of y/ns juices flowing, he thought, and tapped her thigh, "Ending so early?" She asked

"No, I need you to ride my face," said Jean, "and some air as well." Then he pulled her back down on his face, and as she rocked back and forth on him, this was the full satisfaction for both of them, Y/n got her wants, Jean also got his, but she wasn't done. As he ate her out, she untied his hands, but he noticed his freedom from the posts when she slipped away from him. As he slowly leant against y/n as they kissed, his body leaned against hers. Jean topped her. She lays down on her back at the end of the bed while Jean runs his fingers along her waist and thighs. He squeezes her ass a couple of times. 

He inserted himself inside Y/n, she was caught by surprise and gripped to his shoulders and he thrusted. He whimpered as he did, like a little baby. He acted as if it were his first time and his virginity, his breathes were hitched and his moans were like silk. He nudged himself into Y/ns neck muttering small words, "Oh my god, please, please" He started to breakdown, sobbing onto her shoulders, "Y/n, I have something to tell you..." He said, lyed himself next to y/n, she was scared for dear life... She never wanted to hear a pair of words like that, especially if it was before their wedding. "I'm terribly afraid to get married. I know that I want to get married, I'm just scared... Nervous, perhaps. I just never thought that I'd find someone to stay with me forever at 20 years old, I am grateful that I did... But its so scary." He said, he composed himself to not cry during his confession

"Its ok, Jean. I can understand the feeling, I too can say that I'd never imagined ending up with you. Its stressful, especially because we'll hardly be seeing each other due to the planning and then the wedding. But Jean, I promise that you have nothing to worry about... I can take everything myself if you'd like, that is if you'd like to stay home alone all day." Said Y/n

"No. I dont want to add more stress on you as well. I'm just so-- Blegh. A mess, honestly. Can't believe I really cried." Said Jean, he wiped his face in embarrassment 

"Its fine, theyre just emotions. Everyone has em." 


This took 13 days to write👹 Anyways, I kept blanking while writing the smut. Its 1:06 am rn so good night yalls. Vote and comment 👹

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