48: Beautiful Is Boring

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'Beautiful Is Boring' by BONES UK. First off, before you start reading the story, I just want to say Thank You for 300 reads!! I'm so grateful for all of you and I appreciate yalls reading this story!


Everyone was there for Ymirs competition, her competition was Porco Galliard, and the other was Colt Grice. Porco and Colt had brought an extra person, Colt brought his brother, Falco, and Porco brought his brother, Marcel. Y/n, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Hanji, Jean, and the whole group were rooting for Ymir to win. Ymir's car was sky blue, with H.R painted on the back, it had all sorts of stickers and patterns on it

"Where's your plus-one?" Asked Onyankopon, he would be the one that announced everything

"What'do ya mean?" Asked Ymir

"Plus-one. We were supposed to bring someone else with us for this competition" Said Onyankopon, "If you don't have one you can't compete"

"I can't compete?" Asked Ymir, he nodded, "This is bull" 

"We have around 5 minutes to start. If you can find someone as your plus 1 then you can compete" Said Onyankopon, Ymir put her helmet on top of her car and ran to the audience

"I need a +1" Said Ymir, she looked down at everyone

"Why?" Asked Historia

"I don't know, I was just told I need a +1 or else I can't compete" Said Ymir, "It starts in around 5 minutes, but I think I have around 3 minutes left", everyone looked at each other

"Hurry up, dammit! If you don't build up the balls to come with me, then you've wasted time in your day, and I've built this car for no reason" Said Ymir

"I'll go" Said Historia, Ymir kissed her

"Thank you! C'mon we have to go now!" Said Ymir, she took Historia by the hand and ran quickly to Onyankopon

"I have my +1, I can compete now, right?" Asked Ymir, Onyankopon nodded

"Take your places, hurry, hurry" Said Onyankopon, Ymir took Historia to her car and gave her the helmet

"Wear this" Said Ymir

"What? Why? You need it" Said Historia

"I don't want you to get hurt, put it on" Said Ymir, she helped Historia pull her hair back and put on the helmet

"It's time to start everyone, take your seats" Said Onyankopon, he used a mic to project his voice, "We have 3 competitors for this race. They all brought +1's, as I asked them to. The main drivers, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, and Ymir will be blindfolded, while their +1 will control the shifts and guide their partner" Said Onyankopon, everyone cheered

"Ymir, I can't do that!" Said Historia, taking off the helmet

"You can, I know you can. All you have to do is control the stick shift and tell me where to go. You can do that, can't you?" Asked Ymir, Historia nodded slowly. Ymir gave Historia a peck on the cheek

"Thank you" Said Ymir, she put the helmet back on Historia and helped her into the car

"So we're having dolls drive for us?" Asked Colt, Ymir chuckled

"I heard you have a 4 year old guiding" Said Ymir, she got blindfolded and put into her car

"Historia? You there?" Asked Ymir

"Uh huh" Said Historia

"Good. I was just making sure they put me in the right car" Said Ymir, she put her hands on the wheel and her feet on the pedals, Historia had her hand on the stick-shift.


Sorry for the cliffhanger (If you can call that a cliffhanger), I want the next page to be separate from this one. I have quite a bit planned for the next one but I won't say anything, obviously. Anyways, vote and comment- Pico


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