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y/n's legs were sore the next day, she maintained to walk normally, however. Everyone was at a breakfast cabin, Levi sat with Hange and Erwin, y/n sat with Eren, Armin and Mikasa. Connie, Sasha and Jean sat beside her. Sasha was in between Jean and y/n

"Something has to be going on. They've never been that close" Said Levi, he was looking at Jean and y/n

"I'm sure it's nothing. Have you seen the birds around here? I saw an eagle yesterday!" Exclaimed Hange. She continued to talk about the birds she'd seen and the nests

"Excuse me, can I get a black tea, please?" Asked Armin

"Sure!" Said Petra, this was a temporary job for Petra, it was the same for Oruo. But not Eld and Gunther, they were in a different area. 

"How about you, lovely lady?" Asked Oruo, he looked at y/n and winked then raised his eyebrows twice

"Actually, I'm fine." Said y/n

"Can I get a phone number?" Asked Oruo

"Hey, take it slow" Said Jean, Oruo glared at Jean

"Was I talking to you?" Asked Oruo, he looked back at y/n

"So, how about it?" 

"I'm good" Said y/n

"Come on, give a man like me a chance. You won't be disappointed" Said Oruo, he winked again. Eren pulled him by the shirt across the table

"Didn't you hear?! Leave her alone, you perv!" Shouted Eren, he had his fist clenched and threatened to punch Oruo. He shoved Oruo back

"Does he even know who I am?" Muttered Oruo as he returned to his station. Jean was a bit jealous, he thought he should've acted up instead of Eren. 

"Are you okay?" Asked Mikasa

"Yeah, I'm fine" Said y/n, "Thanks, Eren". Eren sat back down, Petra gave Armin the tea he asked for

"Thank you" Said Armin, she smiled and nodded

"How about I take your order? Instead of him" Said Petra

"I'll have the same as Armin, thank you" Said y/n, she nodded and went back to make y/n's tea

"Jean looks pretty mad, don't you think?" Asked Levi, he examined Jean's face expression

"Would you two give it up already?" Asked Erwin, it wasn't long until Erwin found out about what Levi and Hange were doing, Levi still wouldn't quit. He thought something was fishy, and he knew something was up. He just wanted to know what it was. And he was determined to find out, he would find out one way or the other.

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