108: We Sink

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'We Sink' by CHVRCHES


It was Christmas morning, quite delightful as well. Jean insisted on gifts, though Santa was not real. Y/n couldn't pass the opportunity, she loved giving gifts, receiving as well. It was very early and cold, most of the group did holidays together but Jean wanted this one time to him and Y/n. They wouldn't try to hide when they got gifts, and wrapped them at friends houses. There were tons of boxes and bags of all sizes, homemade gifts, and bought gifts. 

"Oh, Y/n, just wait 'till you see what I got" Said Jean, he put a lot of thought into his gifts, he thought way back to certain times to get some of Y/ns interests. 

"Lets get this over with, yeah? You wait till you see what I got you" She said, she handed him a gift first, it was wrapped neatly with a white bow on the left hand corner. He opened it and pulled out a bottle of cologne 

"No way, when'd you get this" Said Jean, he popped off the cap and took a whiff of the expensive cologne, the brand was Versace. "It's glorious, thank you Y/n." He thanked

"Ah, yes of course" Said Y/n, "Just don't get it in your eye, I heard it stings" He hugged her 

"Obviously, its not made for the eyes, love" He said, she smiled, he pulled out a box

"You next"

She opened the box, she was met with a book, the cover was designed by Jean and he had help from Moblit, "Look at it" He said, she picked up the book and went through each page. It was picture, after picture, after picture. They were all Y/n. Y/n with people. Y/n by herself. Y/n posing. Y/n with Jean. There was so much. 

"When'd you have enough time to take these?" Asked Y/n

"You knew I was taking them, you just didn't know it was for this purpose" 

"Thank you very much, Jean" Said Y/n, he smiled at her, "Mind If another one if passed?" He asked

"There is no rules for this, y'know" Said Y/n, he handed her another box, "This one is personally my favorite, took a lotta time picking it out" 

She opened the box to a beautiful ring, it was a diamond ring

"Y/n, will you marry me?" 

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