62: Hey, Darling

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Hey, Darling is not a song that I know of. I didn't know what song to name this page after so I just used Hey, Darling. This'll probably happen a few times, if it does then I won't name the song and artist in the beginning of the page like I normally do.


"How about something aggressive?" Suggested Jean, y/n was currently on top of him. Well, she was really sitting on him. It was around 4 am, they had both caught themselves waking up in the middle of the night. He wasn't exactly asking y/n for something aggressive, he was telling her about aggressiveness, he wanted to try something new. Jean quickly had y/n pinned on her stomach, he held her hands behind her back (Yk, that Armin pinned over the table pinning pose), she groaned in pain 

"It'll be over soon" Jean whispered in her ear, he knew very well that he would take his time with y/n. He ran his fingers down to her back and to the clasp of her bra, he held her wrists together with one hand and used the other to unclasp her bra, it was extremely hard for him. 

"C'mon y/n" Said Jean, he let her arms go, "It's not over yet, I've just gotten started" she sat facing him and she slowly slid the straps off her shoulders. 

"y/n...." Said Jean, he blushed very much, y/ns breasts had never been exposed to him before, they always kept her bra on when they had sex. 

"I thought you were just getting started, Jean" Teased y/n, Jean snapped out of it and pulled y/n for a deep kiss by her nape. He lied her on her back and kissed down her neck to her inner thighs. Y/n was pleasured by Jean, she breathed hard and wasn't sure if this is what Jean considered aggressive. 

"Jeannnn" moaned y/n, Jean moved back up to her

"Hey, darling" Said Jean, "Tell me lies" he worked on hickies wherever he could


"Tell me lies, love" Said Jean

"this isn't good enough" Said y/n

"Not good enough?" Said Jean, y/n nodded, though it was a lie, "good thing it was a lie, yeah?" his hands were all over y/n, she would be covered with hickies from Jean.

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