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Jean and y/n were in a rowboat. They went down the river, he sat next to her. Jean had calmed y/n down a bit, she rested her head on his shoulder, his hand was on her knee. He slowly moved his hand to her inner thigh, her eyes opened as he rubbed her inner thigh. 

"Jean?" Asked y/n, "What're you doing?". He stopped

"Nothing" Said Jean, y/n smiled, she knew he was obviously lying. She moved to his lap and wrapped her hands around the nape of his neck, she kissed him and he put his hands around her waist. Y/n stroked his jaw as she kissed him, he placed y/n on an open spot and untied her shorts, he took her consent first before he did anything. The water splashed both of them as the boat rocked aggressively. Y/n tried to keep quiet but moans would slip out, they hoped no one would hear however, they passed cabins

"Do you hear that?" Asked Sasha, loud music played in Connie and Sasha's cabin

"Hear what?" Asked Connie, he paused the music. Sasha heard it again

"That!" Said Sasha, Connie listened and shook his head

"I don't hear anything" Said Connie, Sasha shrugged

"Maybe I'm just hearing things" Guessed Sasha, Connie played the music again

Water kept splashing Jean and y/n, her hickies were starting to become visible, y/n kissed around Jean's jaw, he squeezed her thigh, he kissed y/n and she ran her hands through his hair, he got goosebumps from it, he held her hands down to the boat, there was already a puddle of water in the boat. He went faster, y/n's left hand scratched his arm, Jean grunted but didn't mind. He kind of liked it. The boat had tipped from Jean's aggressiveness, they both swam up to the surface, the boat had been stopped by a rock

"Jean, you idiot!" Shouted y/n, Jean chuckled, they went to shore and put their clothes back on, which were soaking

"I'm soaked" Said y/n as she rang out her shirt

"Sounds like a you problem" Said Jean

"It wouldn't have been a problem if you weren't so aggressive" Said y/n

"You scratched my arm, you have no room to talk" Said Jean

"You tipped the boat. I'm going back, Jean. Good day and good night" Said y/n, she walked away, Jean went back too.

Y/n climbed back through the window, she changed out of her clothes. Hitch knocked on her door, she panicked. There were wet footprints on her floor, wet clothes and her hair was dripping, she lied in her bed. Hitch knocked again

"Are you awake?" Asked Hitch, y/n didn't answer

"Prob'ly asleep" Muttered Hitch as she walked away


Hey peeps, tell me what you think of this page and tell me what I can do better and I'll do my best at doing whats requested. Enjoy! 

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