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Jean was the first to wake up, it was around 7 pm. He got off of y/n, soon after she woke up as well. 

"Good evening" Said Levi, y/n and Jean looked over at the door

"You 2 done cuddling?" Asked Levi

"How'd you get in here?" Asked Jean

"Marco let me in. Everyones waiting for you, Erwin sent me to come get you guys." Said Levi

"We're totally capable of getting ourselves to eat" Said Jean

"Tch. Yeah, right. Hurry up, Sasha's starting to complain" Said Levi, he walked away and shut the door behind him

"How long do you suppose he's  been there?" Asked y/n

"Not long if he was just at the door. He prob'ly would've been sitting if we kept him waiting long enough" Said Jean, there was a pile of shirts on Jeans chair, Marco must've put them there. Jean put on a shirt, then his shoes. Y/n had already put on some shoes, she walked to Hammonds Hunger alone, Jean followed after her shortly after. Y/n sat next to Connie and Mikasa, Sasha sat on the other side of Connie, and Armin sat on the other side of Mikasa. 

"Jeez, what took so long?" Asked Connie

"Nothing" Said y/n

Jean didn't sit to far from y/n, he was next to Sasha, Levi sat on the other side of him

"I'm surprised Oruo hasn't hit on y/n" Said Levi

"I bet he's thinking about it" Said Jean, he watched Oruo as he took y/ns order, it didn't look like he tried starting any conversations with y/n, he quickly wrote down what y/n asked for then walked away

"Hey, Sasha, what did Oruo say?" Asked Jean

"Huh? Oruo said something?" Asked Sasha

"He didn't say anything. He just asked what she wanted and that was all" Said Connie

"Thats a first" Said Jean

"Maybe he finally respects that y/n's taken" Said Sasha

"Yeah, Hopefully." Said Jean

"Or maybe it's the fact that Reiner and his group are right down there" Said Levi, he looked down the room, Jean followed Levi's eyes. He was met with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie sitting across the room

"Oh, no" Said Jean

"Hey, at least they haven't made eye contact yet. But you better tell Reiner that y/n's taken now." Said Sasha

"I won't do that. I think he's moved on now" Said Jean

"You can't or you won't" Said Levi, Jean stayed quiet

"He won't" Said Connie

"No, he can't. Jean here is too coward to tell Reiner" Said Levi

"What? No, I'm not, I'm not a coward. Watch me tell him" Said Jean

"Then go do it" Said Levi

"Not right now... Later" Said Jean

"Okay then, Later." Said Levi

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