68: Ego pt 2

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'Ego' by Carlie Hanson, iann dior


"C'mon, Jean. You have to control your ego somehow! You can't just be so- so over confident!" Said y/n, they at home arguing about something that happened earlier

"In my defense I was humble in the beginning but y'know Floch kept praising me so I went on" Said Jean

"Praising? Praising? He was praising you?" Asked y/n

"Y-yes" Said Jean

                                                                  ~ Recap~

Floch ended up inside the café, it was fine anyways. They just tried to ignore any awkwardness after Floch was rejected by y/n. But Floch did not yet know that y/n and Jean were a couple, nobody told him. 

"Wow, look at her" Said Floch as y/n walked past him and Jean, "Can't wait to make a move on her" 

"Take it easy, Pal. She's taken" Said Jean, Floch looked shocked, he stopped looking at y/n and payed his attention to Jean

"By who?" Asked Floch

"Her and Jean are a couple" Said Armin, thats all he had to say, he turned back to the conversation he was having with Mike(or Miche) and Sasha. 

"Wow, a-and its true?" Asked Floch


"Woah, you're so humble about it" Said Floch

"Humble?" Asked Jean

"Yeah, if she were my girlfriend I would be showing her off to everyone. And besides, how could I not know you were together if everyone else knows" Said Floch

"Oh please, I'm turning red" Said Jean

"Well, the grass is greener" Said Floch

"His grass is dead" Said Levi

"Its an expression" 

"I know." 

"Oh..." "So how long have you been dating?" Asked Floch

"About 3 months or so, we recently moved in together" Said Jean

"3 months? She must be wrapped around your finger! Are you a demi-god or something?" Asked Floch, Jean chuckled

"If thats what you wanna think" Said Jean

"Tell me more, I wanna know more" Said Floch

"More what?"

"Perks of dating y/n"

"Oh, yeah. Well, there's not much to it, really" Said Jean, he'd have to think for a moment 

"It must feel like your sitting on a pile of gold if you're dating y/n" Said Floch

"Well, yeah. It's great. If I told you everything you'd pass out" Said Jean


"Yeah, all from hearing about my life with y/n" Said Jean, Floch was enjoying everything that Jean was telling him, but Jean didn't tell him anything too personal.


"Ask Floch what happened, he'll tell you, I promise" Said Jean

"I'm not going near Forster. He kinda creeps me out and it'll be to awkward" Said y/n

"Well then I guess you'll never know that it was actually true" Said Jean

"Oh shut up, I believe you. Just as long as I don't have to go near Floch" Said y/n


Ok so I did add a few lyrics from 'My Ordinary Life' by The Living Tombstone but I didn't name the title after it bc I feel like the title 'Ego' is better bc Jeans ego is a lil' bit big sometimes. yk? Anyway, word count is 187 including this

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