103: West Savannah

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'West Savannah' by Isaiah Rasha, SZA


Gojo's group joined in on the fun of ice skating. It was a cold, dewy morning, they had gone earlier than expected... at 8 AM. Everyone brought their own ice skates, they put on their equipment at Erwins van. 

"Bro, these won't work, I swear" Said Connie, struggling to put on his skates, "Maybe my foot got bigger or something, I dunno man" 

"Connie, hon, those are mine" Said Hange, they took their shoes from Connie, "I guess they got mixed up in the bag" 

"HEY! HEY GUYS" Exclaimed Gojo, he waved his hands in the air in a quick motion. His group walked to the other group, the two groups had been close after the first encounter, during which Y/n and Armin acknowledged that their relationship was fake. Maki was Y/ns favorite from the group, they just cliqued. Most of Gojo's group were teenagers... While Gojo was 28. She was very blunt, however. 

"C'mon, suckers" Said Todo, he walked to the ice slowly, trying not to tip over on his skates, though it wasn't hard to walk with them on. Yuji had a hard time, so did Megumi, Inumaki didn't have much trouble, in fact, he was great at skating. Nobara and Maki held onto each other for balance. 

"I hope you know I'm missing a day of work for this" Said Nanami, "They forced me to come here. Kidnapping, basically" 

"You don't even like working" Said Maki, with her legs scrambling to stay up straight. Connie held his phone up, catching everyone on video

"Say hi!" 

"Hi!" Exclaimed Nobara. Nobara got along great with Connie and Sasha, she had a lot in common with both of them, they would get yelled at by her sometimes however... It wasn't great. 

"What if I called you batman or something" Said Hange

"No, Hange" Said Levi


"Because I'm older than you" 


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