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Hi, so as you know Jean and y/n broke up. There will be a few time skips in the next few pages because... well you'll see and I don't wanna lose all my readers! 


Last night a Eren, Mikasa, and Armin stayed around to help y/n clean everything up. Y/n woke up with an aching head, she was still in the same clothes, too. She screamed as she saw Zeke beside her, he wasn't sleeping, instead he was reading. 

"What're you doing here?" Asked Y/n

"You asked me to stay" Said Zeke

"No I didn't" Said y/n

"No, you did." Said Zeke

"I must've been drunk. I was drunk and you still stayed?" Asked y/n

"I wanted to watch over you, I don't know how you are when you're drunk" Said Zeke

"I can handle myself" Said y/n, Zeke stayed quiet

"Did anything happen last night? Anything at all?" Asked y/n

"Nope, nothing." Said Zeke

"Tell the truth!" Said y/n, she shook Zeke by the shoulders

"I am! I swear we did not do anything. Not even kissing" Said Zeke, y/n took a deep sigh

"Would you mind getting out?" Asked y/n, Zeke had gotten up and put on his shirt, he leaned in to kiss y/n, she backed up

"What're you doing?" Asked y/n

"I thought we'd...." Said Zeke

"I- uhm, can you get out?" Asked y/n, he left y/ns room and closed her door on the way out, she looked in the mirror

"You did not do anything with Zeke. I did not do anything with Zeke. Im going to leave this room and Zeke will not be there" Said Y/n, she closed her eyes for a while and changed after and tended to her hair. She took a deep breath before she left her room, her head ache was still there however. She looked around, Zeke was nowhere to be seen

"I knew it" Said y/n

"I'd be guessing you have a headache?" Said Zeke, he stood in her kitchen

"Damn it" Whispered y/n, she went to the kitchen

"This should help." Said Zeke, he gave her some orange slices and other fruits

"How old are you?" Asked y/n

"29" Said Zeke, y/n practically choked on her oranges

"You look way younger" Said y/n

"I know. I should start saying I'm younger. Right?" Asked Zeke

"No." Said y/n, Zeke chuckled

"I'm just kidding"

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