84: Wedding

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Hey yalls, sorry if there is so many spelling mistakes in this, I'm on a deadline of 9:30 bc I "Need to practice for school" wtf. I'm fine. I don't need 9:30 as a time to go to bed. It's 9:03 and I'm in a rush, It'll be a short page bc of that and I'm so sorry. There will be 3 parts of "Wedding" bc of this. 


"I'm getting married." Said Ymir as she looked herself in the mirror. She wore a white, long wedding dress. Her hair was still in a low ponytail as it always was and she wore a short vail with an African Daisy bouquet. She wore flats instead of heels. 

"You look great" Said Y/n

"You should go, it starts in like 10 minutes" Said Ymir, Y/n nodded and left the room. Connie was also there, he would stand next to Ymir and y/n, as well as Eren. Historia would have Sasha, Mikasa, and Jean with her. Jean would walk Historia down the aisle because her parents couldn't make it.

"Lets go" Said Connie, Ymir nodded and grabbed his arm. Ymir would walk down the aisle first. Everyone stared in awe as she walked down and looked at her dress. They stood of course. Connie stopped her at the altar and she hugged him and he walked and stood behind y/n.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous" Said Ymir

"You'll do great. I promise" Reassured y/n

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