83: Fake ID

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Levi wasn't necessarily dizzy, he was just lying down in the grass with everyone else. 

"C'mon lets go" Said Hange as they got up, Hange led the way to the ride called Brain Twister. It was a giant sphere shaped ride. 

"5'2 and up to ride" Said the man outside

"Aw, here that Levi? You're to short. You too, Y/n" Teased Eren

"Sorry, but Levi and I are qualified" Said y/n as she leaned on Levi's shoulder 

"Brat" Said Levi. Everyone was measured and let in, Hange hopped around in excitement 

"Y'all know the rules, I don't gotta explain" Said the host, everyone looked in confusion

"It's called brain twister for a reason. It's the worst brain twister. It moves at a rapid pace up and down and speeds and spins really fast." Explained Hange

"Yeah, because I haven't thrown up already" Said Miche

"You'll be fine, its great fun" Said Hange

"First, gulp these" Said the host, they handed cups of a blue snowcone, "Swallow it whole" 

"No problem, for y/n" Muttered Jean, he chuckled as y/n smacked his arm. Everyone had shoved the snowcone ice down their throats, immediately getting a brain freeze. The ride started when everyone started groaning from the freeze. No one could stand in a straight line, people were falling on each other, sliding. Connie kept trying to jump and somehow float in the air-- everyone told him it was impossible. Hange's manic laugh filled the sphere room. 

"Alright, losers. Out" Said the host as the ride stopped and he opened the door

"That was it? Coulda sworn it was longer" Said Hange

"Nope. Get out, losers" Said the host, everyone was tangled up and beat up from the ride. 

"What a sucky ride" Said Eren

"I thought it'd be long for sure. Guess I was wrong" Said Hange

"Man, I think I gotta puke again" Said Connie, he ran away behind a ride and puked, "There was definitely a hint of alcohol in there. Didn't even check us for an ID" 

"Its not like you're underage anyways" Said Sasha

"I carry around a fake ID" Said Connie, "It adds a little spice" 

"Oh, Connie." Sighed Sasha as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, "If you get caught, thats on you" 

"I'm not going to get caught, watch me" 


Ummm, we hit 1.5k?? How are their so many of yalls reading this <3 I was thinking of doing a Q&A if yall ask any questions. Also, I might start doing longer pages if I write these earlier. It's 1:23 am rn and I'm tired asf but I'm not going to bed bc I dont want to. Anyways, Ask me questions and vote pls!

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