109: Little League

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'Little League' by Conan Gray


They they stood, Y/n with the box in her hand, Jean in front of her. Her eyes sparkled with the ring, it was glorious. Jean spent hours picking a ring out for Y/n, asking strangers which one was best and asking them which one he would like if they were a woman, he even asked workers which one caught the most eyes and which ones were favorites. 

"Y-yes, I will!" She said, 


"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" She said, Jeans face lit up, he was so happy and excited that Y/n had said yes to his proposal, his hands were around her waist and she was in mid-air, he pulled her close for a hug, then a kiss. "Lets put on the ring, Mon Cherie" Said Jean, he held her left hand and put the diamond ring on her ring finger, then kissed her hand. "It looks gorgeous, Jeanboy, thank you" Said Y/n

"Just wait till everyone see's" He said, proudly

"Oh, don't worry about that right now, love. I believe theres things that need to be unwrapped" Said Y/n, 

"Right, right. We got things to do" Said Jean

"Gosh, I wonder whats up with Y/n and Jean" Said Hange, they were very attached of everyone and wanted to know everything that was going on with everyone. What was hot, what was new, who's with who, who broke up, what did this person do, what did that person do. Thats all that went on in Hange's mind when everyone was apart. "Hange, calm down, you're practically sweating buckets" Said Levi

"Sorry, just a little worried"

"Hange, let them have their time alone together. Just this once." Levi recommended, 

"Ok, I'll try."

"Ok, thank you."


Sorry for the short pages, we're currently having a writers block! But as for updates heres what we have: I cut off all my hair! My lovely sister did it for me! Also, I told my crush I that I like her earlier, we're going somewhere on Saturday with our friend (my favorite bestie <33), also this dude told me that he'd date me BUT I like the girl and I will stick with her bc I am not choosing no man over her. And besides the mf has a girlfriend (and he's saying stuff like that smh) 🚩🚩, thats about it! Drink some water!

  Sincerely, Miche

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