85: Wedding pt. 2

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"I'm so nervous! I mean, Ymir probably doesn't feel anything right now. I don't know what to do! Help me!" Panicked Historia as she paced around the room

"Uh, Historia. Ymirs waiting already" Said Jean as he peeked out the window

"She is? Do you think we should go now? Lets go now, it'd be best" Said Historia, she grabbed her bouquet. Everyone walked out first, she was going to walk down the aisle with Jean. Mikasa walked down first, then Sasha. Everyone stood up as Historia approached. Ymir's eyes watered as she saw Historia. She hugged Jean as they got to the end of the aisle, Jean stood behind Sasha. 

"You look gorgeous" Whispered Historia

"You do, too." Said Ymir as she took Historia's hands

"You may sit" everyone sat down, the wedding was beginning, "Today we are gathered here on this fine day to celebrate the wedding of Ymir and Historia. 2 women who love each other very dearly. Ymir and Historia have chosen to say their own vows today" 

Ymir was first. 

"My dear Historia, I can now say that I have no regrets in life. As I stand here and look at you, I could never be more happier that you're becoming my wife. I promise to love you forever. When I see you, you make me smile, you make me happy, and my heart can no longer beat correctly. I love you so much." Vowed Ymir

"Now for Historia's vows" 

"Ymir, my love. I will forever be by your side and your ally. I am so proud to love you and to be seen with you everyday. We've seen each other grow so much and thrive off of each others love. I don't know where I would be without you because you make me so happy, I love you so much and I'd give you anything to see your smile everyday" Historia vowed, Ymir smiled real big as a tear rolled down her cheek from happiness

"I asked both women why they loved each other and Ymir answered with "I'm unproductive without her and don't feel like doing anything". I asked Historia the same question, she answered with "I loved Ymir from the beginning. I forgot how it started"." everyone chuckled as well as Ymir and Historia. 

"Now, Historia. Do you take Ymir as your wife, even if she makes you so mad that you cry?"

"I do" Said Historia

"Ymir, do you take Historia as your wife, even if she makes it really hard?"

"I do" Smiled Ymir

"Great. I now pronounce you as wives. You may kiss your bride" Ymir and Historia kissed each other with passion, by far a kiss with more passion than usual. 

"Everyone, Ymir and Historia Reiss!" Everyone clapped as they ran down the aisle together hand in hand with big smiles. After it was Armin and Sasha walking down, then Y/n and Eren, and Jean with Mikasa. The orders were a bit weird but that's how they were told to walk down. Jean wanted to be paired with y/n but nothing could be done about it. 


Pages will come out much earlier because of the schedule, I'm also waking up at 6 am too! I decided to wake up at 6 am specifically to write this! Also, how do we feel about the wedding??

Also yalls, thank you for 1.6k!!!!!!!

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