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'GOLDWING' by Billie Eilish 


Jean was finally going to meet Jeans mother after he finally said yes. She had been asking him for ages but he always came up with plans for them. He tried to postpone the plan by telling y/n that they were going to the fair but Y/n said they could go the next day. 

"Oh, and 1 more thing. If she offers the scrapbook of photos, say no. Ok?" Said Jean

"Geez, ok. I'm only meeting her, no need to set rules" Said y/n. She got out with Jean and they headed for the door, Jean knocked and she opened the first door and her face lit up with joy as she saw her boy. 

"Jeaboy, come in, come in!" Exclaimed Mrs. Kirstein, she opened the screen door and welcomed the couple in, she flattered Jean is kisses on the cheek. 

"Mom, thats ok" Said Jean as he was being suffocated, she stopped, "This is y/n" he gestured to y/n, who smiled and waved at Mrs. Kirstein

"Hello, y/n. It's nice to meet you." Said Mrs. Kirstein as she shook y/ns hand firmly with both hands and a warm smile

"It's so nice to meet you. I've been bothering Jean about it for a while, now" Said y/n, she looked at y/n in confusion

"You've known each other for a while?" 

"Y/ns my girlfriend, mom" Said Jean, she looked at Jean, then y/n.

"Oh! Thats great!" She said as she hugged y/n tightly.

They were sitting at the table, Mrs. Kirstein had set out a variety of snacks like cookies, fruits, and cherry tomatoes. 

"How long have you known each other?" Asked Mrs. Kirstein

"Since about 15. Funny story Jean and I actually had a rough start" Chuckled y/n

"How unfortunate" Frowned Mrs. Kirstein, "Can I offer you anything? An ommelette? Water?"

"No, thank you" Said Y/n, she looked at Jean

"An ommelette, Jeanboy?" Asked Mrs. Kirstein, Jean smiled

"Thank you, mom" Said Jean, she smiled warmly and got up

"While I'm up do you want to see a scrapbook I have?" Asked Mrs. Kirstein

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Exclaimed y/n

"No, mom, no. Y/n, no please no" begged Jean, Mrs. Kirstein searched through a bookshelf while Jean kept begging and gave it to y/n

"Y/n, no. Please don't" Said Jean, Y/n smiled devilishly and flipped through the book

"Don't you just love his chubby cheeks?" Asked Mrs. Kirstein from the kitchen

"They're so adorable" Said y/n as she smiled, Jean covered his face in embarrassment and slouched

"He was a lovely little boy. I remember when he would come home crying, however. He had problems with bullies." Said Mrs. Kirstein

"Oh, really?" Asked y/n

"Mhm, you can see how thats changed his attitude, of course" Said Mrs. Kirstein, "You can deal with it, right?" 

"Oh, yeah, no problem." Said Y/n

"Good." Said Mrs. Kirstein as she served Jean with his ommelette

"Thank you, mom" Said Jean, she nodded and y/n closed the scrapbook. 

"Its so lovely seeing you two together." Said Mrs. Kirstein

"Thank you, Mrs. Kirstein" Said Y/n and Jean, but Jean called her mom instead of Mrs. Kirstein 

"You two are very dear for each other, I can tell. Just tell me when he proposes" Said Mrs. Kirstein

"Mom." Said Jean

"Th-thank you" Said y/n


Yall, we're 3 in #Kirstein, 12 in #jeankirstein, and 1 in #altuniverse ?! Not to mention we hit 1.3k reads?! Yall- how do I thank yalls? Seriously how, someone tell me how. 

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