92: Black Out Days

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'Black Out Days' by Phantogram


Y/n was on her way to pick up Jean. Every member of the group would be meeting at Armins house to discuss meeting with another group. She parked the car and unlocked the front door with the key. 

"Jean" Called y/n, it echoed in the large house, "We need to go to Armins house, now" Jean came down 

"Ah, you mean your boyfriends house?" Asked Jean

"What? No." Said Y/n, "That was a phony, Jean. Armin and I are nothing but friends. You know that". Jean really was worrying about this situation, he knew y/n would never cheat on him but he was afraid that Armin would be enough to sweep y/n off her feet. Especially if that was the first scenario that came to Armins mind. "Y/n take a look at it. The first thing that came to his mind. I'm pretty sure he likes you" Said Jean, "Don't be dumb".

"Dumb? I'm the one being dumb?" Asked y/n, "You're the one overthinking this stuff, Jean. Why are you so jealous of Armin anyways?"

"I don't know, maybe its because we're going to interact with another group who believe that YOU'RE ARMINS GIRLFRIEND" Said Jean, "Who knows what'll happen, if things go right then you'll have to act as his girlfriend forever. I don't want things to be screwed up either just because of this" 

"It'll be fine"

"Stop saying it'll be fine. It's not fine, we're gonna get stuck in a mess and its gonna drive us apart"

"Stop overthinking this, I've already told you Armin and I are just friends, nothing more" Said Y/n

Jean lifted his head to look at y/n after it dropped. "Thats not what I'm worrying about. Were you not listening?"

"Maybe you're right. None of us thought this through. We're only going in circles here." Said y/n, "Maybe I should just be with Armin" Muttered y/n

"Huh?" "Nothing." "No, tell me what you said"

"I said 'Maybe I should be with Armin'!" Shouted y/n. Jeans expression fell and he had hurt in his eyes. "I'm going" 

"Stay." Pleaded Jean, y/n still left the house. The tears in his eyes were visible. Y/n knew what she said stung Jean. He slowly backed up into a wall and slid against the wall down to the floor, making him sit down. He covered his ears and shut his eyes as a tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Don't leave me." He whispered to himself. He was scared and hurt. Y/n words were sharp to Jean. 


Ok, this took me a long time to write for no reason at all. I get distracted easily tho, I was talking to friends, browsing on Pinterest, tiktok, instagram, listening to music. That is exactly why it took 3 days to write this, even tho it came out to 463 words. 

Follow Kirsteinsdick on Instagram. Thats not me btw

                                                                - Pico

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