74: Take Me Out

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'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand


Y/n sat in her car with her head against the steering wheel, still a bit panicked from the Floch situation, the car doors locked of course. Knock Knock, Y/n looked towards the window, it was just Jean. She unlocked the doors and leaned her head back on the steering wheel. 

"Whats wrong? Was I taking too long?" Asked Jean as he sat down, y/n locked the doors back up, Jean looked around but waited for y/n

"Nothing" Said y/n

"Talk to me. Somethings bothering you, it was recent too." Said Jean

"Nothing happened, Jean" Said y/n

"If we're going to be in a relationship you need to tell the truth, otherwise its pointless" Said Jean, Y/n sighed and turned her head towards Jean. "Tell me. Its safe with me and me only" she then took a deep breath

"Its something with Floch Forster" Said y/n, he tilted his head down and looked with concern

"Is he hitting on you? Mocking your style? What is it?" Asked Jean, y/n shook her head and sat up

"It was a dress room incident. I walked in and he was in there, he said he was finished so I asked if I could borrow it so I asked him to leave" Said y/n, her eyes started to tear up and her voice started to get shaky, she was certainly scared. "Then he closed the door and he tried to kiss me and his hands were going up my thigh- and-and I couldn't move- I got out but I felt-"

"Shhh" Shushed Jean, "No need to explain more" he pulled y/ns head to his shoulder to dry up her tears and let them out. She cryed for a while then stopped and wiped her tears

"We need to go back inside, everyones still there" Said y/n, "And they're probably waiting for us" she unlocked the doors and walked out as if nothing happened, Jean walked to Eren and stood in front of him

"Hey, Horse-f-" Eren didn't finish his sentence when he saw the yen (money) Jean was holding behind his back secretively for Eren, he knew exactly what was happening, Jean only payed Eren if a fight was about to happen and Eren was always in for a fight. He took it from Jean sneakily and made sure no one saw

"Meet me in the back, tell Mikasa, too" Said Jean

"Gotcha" Whispered Eren, he walked away and so did Jean

"Levi! Levi!" Whispered Jean, Levi looked back 

"Meet me in the back, 5 minutes" Mouthed Jean, Levi nodded and walked away. 

"Floch should go out that way before the show." Said Eren, Jean nodded

"Yeah, I know. Don't tell anyone, 'kay?" Asked Jean

"Yeah, what happened anyways?" Asked Eren, Jean told y/n that what she told him was safe with Jean and Jean only

"I prefer not to say. Y'know, couple stuff. Its not like you could relate" Said Jean

"Do you want me to help or not, horse-face?" Asked Eren

"You can do whatever you want, I know you'll be there anyways." Said Jean

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