94: Queen of Nothing

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'Queen of Nothing' by Elliot Lee--- PLS I got back from my dads house and we already hit 3k??? I WAS THERE FOR LIKE 2 DAYS😭😭 Y'all do not understand how happy and surprised I am!


Hange's bed was very comfy and big. It was a shame they had no one to share it with, nobody was even sure if Hange was seeing someone, they preferred to keep their relationships quiet for a while until they went public. Y/n had to borrow some of Hange's clothes for obvious reasons. 

 Swaggest Nintendhoes😩😩


I forgot to ask you guys when a time works to meet with Saturo Gojos group

Read by SaSha💃, Miche, Levi, more.... at 11:11 AM


                                                             I dont have anything planned

                                      Read by 🔪Y/n🔪, Levi, Ymir, Mikasa🧍‍♀️... more


I had something but they canceled smh

Read by Hange, Armin, Nanaba, more....


                                                                          Is everyone open for Tuesday?

                                                          Read by Erwin, Nanaba, Connie

Eren Jaeger



                                                                  You just got here didntcha

Eren Jaeger


Read by Mikasa🧍‍♀️, Armin, Levi, more...


                                                                                    Yes he did

Erwin S.

Everyone is open Tuesday, the way we take it

Read by Armin, Levi, SaSha💃, more....


                                                                               Yeah, probably


I'll tell Gojo, thanks guys

Read by Mikasa🧍‍♀️, Connie, Miche, more...

  Jean was inactive the whole chat, he didn't even read anything. Most of the groupchat didn't even interact anyways, like Miche, Erwin would occasionally say something because he says its to confusing. 

"Hey, wanna go out with Nanaba and I? We're just going out for a walk, we'll maybe buy a few new things" Said Hange as they poked their head around the corner, "Money does buy happiness" 

"Yeah, ok" Said y/n, Hange smiled, "Lets go" Hange dangled their keys at y/n, then they left. Nanaba waited at a fountain outside, she threw coins in while she waited for Hange and Y/n. 

"Nanaba!" Called Hange, "Hi" 

"Hi! How are you?" Nanaba hugged Hange, then y/n

"We're good. I hope you don't mind that I brought Y/n along" 

"Not at all! Where should we go first?" Asked Nanaba, Hange didn't have a specific place they wanted to go to, they just wanted to walk around and buy anything they saw that they liked. Nanaba and Hange made y/n forget that they were older than her, in a good way. Nanaba took pictures from mom angles, that was the only reminder for y/n that they were a bit older than her. 

Nanaba and Hange gasped, "Hairdye! Lets dye our hair" They both said, they looked at y/n. 

"I'm good, but thanks" Said y/n, Hange wrapped their arm around y/ns shoulder

"C'mon, you're going through heartbreak, sort of. It'll make you look and feel 10x better" Said Hange, somehow, it didn't take much for y/n to give in to Hange and Nanaba's idea. It was crazy. Nanaba and Hange kept comforting y/n, Nanaba didn't know why she was comforting y/n, but she went with it anyways because Hange was doing it. They called theirselves king/queen of nothing, whatever that meant. 


This page was kind of a mess but its ok, I think. 

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