42: idfc

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'idfc' by blackbear, I prefer it from the 2015 album 'dead'

Jean was at y/ns house, he took care of her. He made sure she was comfortable and that she was well fed

"You can go. It's not that bad" Said y/n

"I literally took care of my mother when she got sick" Said Jean

"Yes but periods aren't as bad as that" Said y/n

"Thats like comparing getting kicked in the balls to childbirth" Said Jean

"Lemme guess; getting kicked in the balls is worse" Said y/n

"No, it's not. I grew up around my mother, I know which is worse" Said Jean

"What're you doing anyways? You're just sitting there" Said y/n, Jean turned over his notebook, it was a drawn picture of y/n

"This whole time you've been drawing me?" Asked y/n, she took the notebook

"Well yeah... I started it a while ago but obviously you were in a different position so I had to do it from memory" Said Jean, y/n flipped through other pages but there was nothing

"Why'd you only draw me?" Asked y/n

"Of course you don't understand" Said Jean, he took the notebook back


"You seriously don't know? I have feelings for you, y/n. I've had feelings for you this whole time" Said Jean, "But we're both not looking to be in a relationship right now, you said yourself that you weren't open" 

"Well yeah..." Said y/n

"I guess for now, based on what happened a few days ago, I guess we're just friends with benefits" Said Jean

"Private benefits" Said y/n, Jean nodded, the last thing Jean and y/n would want is people finding out, specifically Hitch, she would probably ruin it again if she found out. They just wanted a private life for now. Jean lied on top of the sheets after y/n had asked him, he continued with the sketch of y/n

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