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During the last few days of the time war a young lady, young by timelord standards at least, was sent to protect The Untempered Schism.

At 150 years of age, considered a child still too most inhabitants of Gallifrey, she was unique. For when she looked into the hole in the fabric of reality, at aged 8, she did not run, nor did she go mad. She didn't feel inspired either. She became special, she gained abilities. Most triggered by her emotions, some very easily controlled. Then training was given to this young tot to help her control the vast amounts of power she had.

When the war came, the high council sort out the young lady to ensure she was combat-ready, she didn't need weapons. She was the weapon to them, but that was not who she was. No, this young lady was kind, gentle and compassionate. She hated what they made her into and wished that she never became what she was.

After being sent out, word spread about what they did to her and there was uproar and outrage. People soon realised that if it was not for the war this poor young girl would never have had to suffer such a fate, so they calmed down figuring she may be the only one to save them. But there was still one Timelord out there that disagreed with what they had done. The council had become monsters in his eyes. They turned an innocent child into a weapon of mass destruction. So, after she had been stationed there for a couple of years, he decided that he was going to find a way to end it all. Stop the war, stop the suffering and stop the council.

But before he could finish what he set out to do, our young heroine was struck down. The Daleks had managed to get through to her. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of them, she was hit. Yet, before they could kill her fully she fell. She kept falling. Through the vortex. Regenerating as she fell.

The pain was unimaginable, as were most first regenerations, and when she finally fell out of the vortex she crashlanded on earth, burning as bright as the sun, screaming and writhing in pain. By the time she had fully transformed and the pain had subsided, there were already armed men around her.

The was a man there that day that just oozed arrogance and selfishness. He saw her and decided she belonged to him and that was that. A prized possession. One of his pets.

And there she stayed. Underground in the middle of a museum full of alien artefacts. The man in charge subjected her to hours upon hours of torture, most of which he just called testing, wanting to know everything about her. She rarely spoke, she rarely did anything. And she stayed that way for 3 years. Until she was saved by a madman in a blue box and his blonde companion.

(A/N I do not own doctor who I only own my character and any parts of the story that do not fall in like who the show)

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