The long game part four

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"But that's why you're so dangerous. Knowledge is power, but you remain unknown. Who are you?" The editor asks the three.
The Editor snaps his fingers and energy surges through the manacles.
"Leave them alone. I'm the Doctor, she's Rose Tyler and she's Kyraiah. We're nothing, we're just wandering."
"Tell me who you are!" The editor shouts any them.
"I just said!"
"Yes, but who do you work for? Who sent you? Who knows about us? Who exactly..."
He stops. The Jagrafess growls.
"Time Lords."
"What?" The Doctor says confused as to how he knew that. He worriedly looks at the two girls. He's sees a look on Kyraiah'a face that he has a feeling he knows what's she's about to try.
"Oh, yes. The last two Time Lords in their travelling machine. Oh, with their little human girl from long ago." The editor says getting close to both girls.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Ky snaps at him. The more he talks, the more rilled up she gets and that's not a good thing, she knows that but she just can't calm herself down.
"Time travel." The editor says looking at the Doctor from in front of Kyraiah. She's biding her time looking for the right moment to strike.
"Someone's been telling you lies." The Doctor tells him.
"Young master Adam Mitchell?"
The Editor calls up the holo-monitor showing Adam in the broadcast chair.
"Oh, my God. His head!" Rose cries.
"What the hell's he done? What the hell's he gone and done? I knew he was an idiot, but for all that is holy he's a new level of stupidity. They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything." Ky shouts at the screen.
"And through him, I know everything about you. Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Doctor. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T A R D I S. Tardis." The editor says slowly, seeing how the words sound coming from his mouth.
"Well, you'll never get your hands on it. I'll die first." The Doctor tells him, not knowing what the editor does. The editor just smirks. "Die all you like. I don't need you. I've got the key."
The Tardis key rises from Adam's pocket.
"You and your boyfriends!" The Doctor shouts at Rose.
"Today, we are the headlines. We can rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing." The editor says proudly.
"And no one's going to stop you because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions. Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold."
The Jagrafess snarls, and Cathica leaves and goes to the adjacent newsroom. Cathica throws the corpse off the broadcast chair and sits down. "Disengage safety."

"What's happening?" The editor shouts.

"Maximum access. Override Floor one three nine." Cathica says.
Adam is disconnected. The Tardis key falls to the floor.
"And spike!" Cathica says ready to end the lies.

"Someone's disengaged the safety. Who's that?" He calls the image up on the holo-monitor.
"It's Cathica." Rose says proudly.
"And she's thinking. She's using what she knows." The Doctor states.
"Terminate her access."
"Everything I told her about Satellite Five. The pipes, the filters, she's reversing it. Look at that." The icicles are starting to melt. "It's getting hot."
"I said, terminate. Burn out her mind." The editor says to Suki.

"Oh no, you don't. You should have promoted me years back." Cathica says.

Kyraiah looks around realising this it's it she lets out a blood curdling scream and the consoles explode and the dead operators collapse. Alarms sound in the rest of Satellite Five and people panic. Ky and Rose gets out of their manacles. Having used all her energy to set all that off Ky just collapses the minute her wrist are free.
Rose watches as her friend falls. "RAIAH" she screams as her friends head hits the floor "Doctor, help." The doctor looks at Ky and then to Rose and nods his head to tell her she will be fine.
"She's venting the heat up here. The Jagrafess needs to stay cool and now it's sitting on top of a volcano." The Doctor tells the editor as continues to watch the girl, who in such a small amount of time, is like a daughter to him.
"Yes, I'm trying, sir, but I don't know how she did it. It's impossible. A member of staff with an idea." The editor tell his boss.
The Editor takes Suki's seat while Rose tries to free the Doctor. She gets the sonic screwdriver from his pocket.
"What do I do?" Rose asks the Doctor.
"Flick the switch!" The Doctor tells Rose. "Oi, mate, want to bank on a certainty? Massive heat in a massive body, massive bang. See you in the headlines!" He tells the man and the Jagrafess.
Finally free, the Doctor picks up Ky in his arms and leaves with Rose.
"Actually, sir, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll resign. Bye, then!" The editor goes to leave but Suki grabs his ankle and he falls. "Let go of me!"
The Doctor, cradling the unconscious redhead, and Rose run for the broadcast room as chunks of ice fall from the ceiling, the satellite shudders and the Jagrafess growls.
"Let go of me! Let go of me!" The editor continues to scream.

The Jagrafess explodes. Rose snaps her fingers and closes Cathica's portal.

As dawn rises over Mother Earth, the people on level 139 are helping the injured.
"We're just going to go. I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage." The Doctor says, still carrying the out cold girl.
"You'll have to stay and explain it. No one's going to believe me." Cathica begs the Doctor
"Oh, they might start believing a lot of things now. The human race should accelerate. All back to normal." He tells her.
"What about your friend?" She asks.
"She'll be fine don't worry about her." The Doctor says looking down at Ky's peaceful face.
Cathica shakes her head. "Not her. The other one. The guy."
The Doctor scowls "He's not my friend." Marching toward Adam, Rose tries calm the Doctor. "Now, don't."
"I'm all right now. Much better. And I've got the key. Look, it's. It all worked out for the best, didn't it? You know, it's not actually my fault, because you were in charge." Adam says not even paying attention to the girl in the doctors arms.
The Doctor pushes past Adam and goes into the Tardis. Rose pushes Adam in and looks for the Doctor. He's nowhere to be seen, she figures he'll be put Raiah in her room or in the Medbay.
Five minutes later he comes back and start up the Tardis.

When they've arrived the Doctor pushes Adam out.
"It's my house. I'm home! Oh, my God, I'm home! Blimey. I thought you were going to chuck me out of an airlock." Adam says, glad that he's safe.
"Is there something else you want to tell me?" The Doctor asks him.
"No. What do you mean?" Adam pretends to play dumb as The Doctor walks over to the phone and picks up the answering machine.
"The archive of Satellite Five. One second of that message could've changed the world." The Doctor tells him.
The Doctor sonic screwdrivers the poor defenceless telephone. It explodes.
"That's it, then. See you." The doctor tells Adam.
"How do you mean, see you?" Adam asks
"As in goodbye."
"But what about me? You can't just go. I've got my head. I've got a chip type two. My head opens." Adam pleads with him.
"What, like this?" The Doctor clicks his fingers.
"Don't." Adam says as he closes it.
"Don't do what?" Snap. Open.
"Stop it!" Snap. Close.
"All right now, Doctor, that's enough. Stop it." Rose tells the Doctor.
"Thank you." Adam says to Rose as she clicks her fingers.
"Oi!" He shouts at her.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist." Rose tells him as he closes it again.
"The whole of history could have changed because of you." The Doctor tells Adam. Adam tried to defend himself. "I just wanted to help."
"You were helping yourself." The Doctor tells him.
"And I'm sorry. I've said I'm sorry, and I am, I really am, but you can't just leave me like this." Adam pleads with the Doctor again.
"Yes I can. 'Cause if you show that head to anyone, they'll dissect you in seconds. You'll have to live a very quiet life. Keep out of trouble. Be average, unseen. Good luck." The Doctor tells him, turning hug back on him.
"But I want to come with you." Adam begs.
"I only take the best. I've got Rose and Kyraiah." The Doctor tells Adam as he enters the Tardis
Adam's mum comes in the front door.
"Rose, Rose. Oh, my God." Adam beg Rose.
"Who's that? Geoff, is that you?" Adams mum can be heard shouting from another room.
"It's me, mum. Don't come in. Wait there a minute." Adam shouts back to his mum.
"Oh, my Lord. You never told me you were coming home! Hold on, I'll just take my coat off. You should've told me you were coming home. I would've got your favourite tea in." She shouts back.
"Rose, take me with you." Adam begs again.
The Tardis engine starts up. Rose goes inside and it dematerialises.

Rose turns to the Doctor as he turns to her. The both share a small smile.

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