The empty child part two

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Kyraiah hurtles down the light field into the man's arms.
"I've got you. You're fine, you're just fine. The tractor beam, it can scramble your head just a little." The man says still holding onto her
"Hello." Ky says to him, biting her bottom lip. Sue her, he's attractive. She's on his ship, she might as well flirt a little.
"Hello." The man says smirking at her.
"Are you all right?" He asks her .
"Fine." Ky replies, as he puts her down.
"Why, are you expecting me to faint or something? Your not that good looking you know." She says winking at him.
"You not a little dizzy." He asks confused. Usually tractor beams make people dizzy but this young lady seems fine.
"Nope. Tractor beams aren't that bad... now transmat beams there the ones that get me."
The man just blinks at her, she smart but that meant she was playing him earlier.
"You got lights in here?" Ky asks the man.
He turns on the lights. It's a small, cramped, spaceship with bundles of wires hanging from the ceiling.
He finally looks at her properly, she's rather attractive.
"Hello." He says winking at her.
"Hello." She says back with a smirk.
"Hello." He says to her again
"I'm not saying it again. Can we move on." Ky says to the man.
"Okay." He replies. This girl intrigues him.
"So, who're you supposed to be, then?" Ky asks the attractive male.
"Captain Jack Harkness, One Three Three Squadron, Royal Air Force. American volunteer." He hands her his ID card.
"Liar. This is psychic paper. It tells me whatever you want it to tell me." Ky tells him.
"How do you know?" Jack asks her.
"Two things. One, I have a friend who uses this all the time."
"And two, you just handed me a piece of paper telling me you're single and you work out."
"Tricky thing, psychic paper." He says to her.
"Yeah. Can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over." She says as she gives it back smirking slightly.
"Oh, nice to meet you Kyraiah."
"Nice to meet you Jack. Anyway you can call me Rai if you like." She says smirking at him a bit more.
"Rai it is then, the word you use is describe yourself is available huh?" Jack says smirking back at her, he's enjoying himself, she likes to have a bit of a flirt too.
"Maybe it is." She says and tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and winks.
"And another one, very." He continues.
"As fun and the is shall we try and get along without the psychic paper?" Rai asks him.
"That would be better, wouldn't it?" He laughs.
"Nice spaceship." She comments.
"Gets me around." He's says to her.
"As a friend of mine would say very Spock."
"Who?" He asks
"Guessing you're not a local boy, then." She says point to the stuff around her.
"A cell phone, a liquid crystal watch, and fabrics that won't be around for at least another two decades. Guessing you're not a local girl." He says gesturing to her clothes.
"Guessed right. Definitely not local." She says sadly. Not wanting to think about Gallifrey.
"Burn your hands on the rope?" He asks, changing the subject when he sees her expression change.
A bomb whistles past.
"Yeah. We're parked in midair. Guessing active camouflage?" She says stunning him slightly. She's very smart.
"Yes. Can I have a look at your hands for a moment?" He asks her.
"Why?" She says quirking an eyebrow.
"Please? You can stop acting now. I know exactly who you are. I can spot a Time Agent a mile away." He tells her. He positive that she with the people he's looking for. "Time Agent?" She says quirking an eyebrow again.
"I've been expecting one of you guys to show up. Though not, I must say, by barrage balloon. Do you often travel that way?" He says with a little laugh.
"Sometimes I get swept off my feet. By balloons. What are you doing?" She asks him as Jack wraps his scarf around her wrists.
"Try to keep still." He says.
He presses a button. A glowing bundle zooms into Ky's burnt palms.
"Nanogenes. Sub-atomic robots. The air in here is full of them. They just repaired three layers of your skin."
The glow dissipates and he unties her wrists.
"I know what they are but, tell them thanks." She says to him looking at him in the eye.
"Shall we get down to business?" Jack says.
"Business?" Ky asks him still slightly confused as to what he wants from her.
"Shall we have a drink on the balcony? Bring up the glasses." Jack says as he opens a hatch to the top of his spaceship.

The fires of London are burning below, and searchlights pass through where the spaceship is.
"I know I'm standing on something but the active camouflage is really throwing me off." Ky says looking down. Jack uses a remote control and the ship appears.
"Okay, you have it tethered to Big Ben. Makes sense." She says to him.
"Yeah." He says still slightly stunned by how much she seems to know. He's never meet a woman so well educated in all most everything. If only he knew what she was then he'd understand how she know so much.
" I'm guess you already know why it's tethered here." She nods "First rule of active camouflage. Park somewhere you'll remember." Jack says anyway.
Jack opens the bottle of champagne and fills the glasses Ky brought with her.
"You know, it's getting a bit late. I should really be getting back." Ky says knowing she's going to be in so much trouble later. Sometimes the doctor really does take the parental role very seriously.
"We're discussing business." Jack says.
"This isn't business. This is champagne." Ky points out.
"I try never to discuss business with a clear head. Are you travelling alone? Are you authorised to negotiate with me?" Jack tells and asks her.
"What would we be negotiating?"
"I have something for the Time Agency. Something they'd like to buy. Are you in power to make payment?" Jack asked her again.
"Well, I, I should talk to my companions." Ky says.
"Companions? Plural?"
"I should really be getting back to him. He'll be freaking out and the other one will be she'll be trying to calm him down. He gets a tad protective sometimes." Ky says realising how bad this is going to be.
"Him? Her?" Jack ask her.
"Do you have the time?" Ky asks him.
Jack uses his remote. The clock face lights up and Big Ben strikes nine thirty.
"Okay, that was flash. That was on the flash side."
"So when you say your companions, just how disappointed should I be?" He asks .
"Not at all. But, we're standing in midair." She says looking at him
"Mmm-hmm." He hums. He caught the first bit and smirked a little.
"On a spaceship, during a German air raid. Do you really think now's a good time to be coming on to me ?" She asks.
"Perhaps not." He says with a chuckle.
"It was just a suggestion." She says as she winks at him. He laughs again, she has this sweet innocent look about her but she really isn't.
"Do you like Glenn Miller?" Jack ask and he uses the magic remote again. Moonlight Serenade plays. Jack takes Kyraiah in his arms and they dance. She loops hers around his neck, pulling him just that bit closer.
"It's 1941, the height of the London Blitz, the height of the German bombing campaign, and something else has fallen on London. A fully equipped Chula warship. The last one in existence, armed to the teeth. And I know where it is, because I parked it. If the Agency can name the right price, I can get it for you. But in two hours, a German bomb is going to fall on it and destroy it forever. That's your deadline. That's the deal. Now, shall we discuss payment?" Jack says as they dance.
"Do you know what I think?" She says to him looking all innocent again. It's like,there's this switch that turns her from innocent girl next-door too a feisty flirty woman.
"What?" Jack ask curiously. This woman really interests him. She a challenge.
"I think you were talking just then." She says smirking slightly, again there goes that switch.
"Two hours, the bomb falls. There'll be nothing left but dust and a crater." He says to her seriously.
"Promises, promises." She says to him.
"Are you listening to any of this?"
"You used to be a Time Agent, now you're some kind of freelancer." Ky says to him.
"Well, that's a little harsh. I like to think of myself as a criminal." He says to her, looking down at the smiling face.
"Oh, I bet you do." She says to him, look at him through her lashes.
"So, these companions of yours, does they handle the business?" He asks her still dancing to the music.
"Well, I delegate a lot of that, yeah." She says to him, knowing she can get the Doctor to do what ever she likes.
"Well, maybe we should go find them." He says to her.
"And how're you going to do that?" Ky asks him.
"Easy. I'll do a scan for alien tech." Jack replies, she smiles. "Finally, a professional." She says as she lets out a laugh.

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