Boom town part four

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"I promise you I've changed since we last met, Doctor. There was this girl, just today. A young thing, something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the blood lust rising, just as the family taught me, I was going to kill her without a thought. And then I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now. She's walking around this city because I can change. I did change. I know I can't prove it." Blon said still trying to plead her case.
"I believe you." The Doctor told her this time.
"Then you know I'm capable of better." Blon said to the pair.
"It doesn't mean anything." Ky told  her.
"I spared her life." Blon tried again. Doing everything in her power to get them to change there minds.
"You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind." The Doctor told Blon.
"Only a killer would know that. Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy go lucky little life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on because you dare not look back. Playing with so many peoples lives, you might as well be a god. And you're right, Doctor. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you let one go. Let me go." Blon said now trying into guilt him with past things she know nothing about. "In the family Slitheen, we had no choice. I was made to carry out my first kill at thirteen. If I'd refused, my father would have fed me to the Venom Grubs. If I'm a killer, it's because I was born to kill. It's all I know. Doctor, are you even listening to me?" She asks him when Both Timelords turned there heads looking away from her.
"Can you hear that?" They both asked her.
"I'm begging for my life."
"No, listen, shush." Ky says as glasses begin to vibrate, then the plate glass window shatters. Customers scream. Both Timelords get up and run.
Margaret can't keep up with the Doctor or Kyraiah.
"The handcuffs!" Blon says running to the pair. Ky huffs and they both wait for her to catch up, then takes them off. "Don't think you're running away." He tells her. Kyraiah already starting to leg it back to the Tardis leaving them behind.
"Oh, I'm sticking with you. Some date this turned out to be!" Blon told him.
Energy is streaming from the Tardis into the sky.
"It's the rift. The rift's opening!" The Doctor says realising why Ky ran off so fast.

Things are going sput! Cracks open up in the plaza.
"What the hell are you doing??" The Doctor says getting to the Tardis seconds after Ky.
"It just went crazy!" Jack shouted at the pair.
"It's the rift. Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's going to disappear!"  Ky said to him.
Rose runs into the plaza and sees what is happening.
"It's the extrapolator. I've disconnected it but it's still feeding off the engine! It's using the Tardis. I can't stop it!" Jack told them again panicking.
"Never mind Cardiff, it's going to rip open the planet." The Doctor informs them. Rose enters and stands next to Ky who's stood at the top of the ramp.
"What is it? What's happening?!" Rose screams at them all.
"Oh, just little me." Blon tells her.
Margaret takes an arm out of her body suit and grabs goes to grab Rose, upon seeing this Ky gives a little nod to the Doctor as if telling him what she's about to do. Flicking her fingers slightly rose goes flying into the Doctor arms. Blon's eyes widen at this, it took the girl seconds to get Rose out of the way and put herself in harms way, and grabs Ky by the throat instead.
"One wrong move and she snaps like a twig, promise." Blon tells them all. Everyone's eyes widen and they still, not wanting any unnecessary harm to come to the redheaded girl.
"I might've known." The Doctor tells her.
"I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it. You, fly boy, put the extrapolator at my feet." She says to Jack. When he doesn't move Margaret tightens her grip on Kyraiah's neck. The Doctor nods and Jack obeys.
"Thank you. Just as I planned." Margaret told them.
"I thought you needed to blow up the nuclear power station." Rose said, looking Margaret and at the grip on Ky neck. That should of been her she realised. But her friend was willing to sacrifice herself for her. Once again.

"Failing that, if I were to be arrested, then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Doctor. So the extrapolator was programmed to go to plan B. To lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift. And what a power source it found. I'm back on schedule, thanks to you." Blon told her. She had thought about this, right down to the last detail.
"The rift's going to convulse. You'll destroy the whole planet." Jack told her, he knew she didn't care but was hoping it would give Kyraiah time to get out.
"And you with it!" Told them all smiling. Margaret/Blon stands on the extrapolator. "While I ride this board over the crest of the infernos is all the way to freedom. Stand back, boys. Surf's up."
The Tardis console cracks open and bright light hits Margaret.
"Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart." The Doctor informs her.
"So sue me."
"It's not just any old power source. It's the Tardis. My Tardis. The best ship in the universe." The Doctor says like she never said anything.
"It'll make wonderful scrap." Blon said with humour dripping from her voice. She couldn't understand why it was so important. It was just a ship. Wasn't it?.
"What's that light?" Rose asks finally taking her eyes off of Ky to look at the light streaming out of the console.
"The heart of the Tardis. This ship's alive. You've opened its soul." The Doctor told them all.
"It's so bright." Margaret says her voice light.
"Look at it, Margaret." The Doctor tells her.
"Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light."
Margaret relaxes, Ky gets free and runs over to Jack. Then Margaret looks up at the Doctor, smiling. "Thank you." She says before she disappears into the light. The empty bodysuit crumples onto the extrapolator.
"Don't look. Stay there. Close your eyes!" The Doctor shouts. Ky turns to Jack and buries her face in his chest, arms around his middle tight. Jack returns the tight hug, scared that if he lets go his redheaded friend might disappear.
The Doctor closes the console.
"Now, Jack, come on, shut it all down. Shut down! Rose, that panel over there, turn all the switches to the right." The Doctor says, taking Ky from Jack and checking for injuries. Not seeing any but a light pink mark around her neck, he hugs her. Stunned slightly she just stands there for a fraction of a second before hugging him back just as tight. That will be another thing for him to talk to her about later, sacrificing herself for Rose.
The energy stops pouring into the sky.
"Nicely done. Thank you, all." The Doctor says letting go off Ky finally.
"What happened to Margaret?" Rose says, next to snatch Ky up in a hug. The redhead doesn't wait to return this one and buries her face in the blondes neck.
"Must've got burnt up. Carried out her own death sentence." Jack suggests.
"No, I don't think she's dead." The Doctor told them.
"Then where'd she go?" Rose asks him.
"She looked into the heart of the Tardis. Even I don't know how strong that is. And the ship's telepathic, like I told you, Rose. Gets inside your head. Translates alien languages. Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts." The Doctor says as he finds a large egg with dreadlocks on the top inside the bodysuit.
"Here she is." The Doctor said holding her up.
"She's an egg?" Rose asks.
"Regressed to her childhood." Ky tells them.
"She's an egg?" Jack asks
"She can start again. Live her life from scratch. If we take her home, give her to a different family, tell them to bring her up properly, she might be all right!" The Doctors tells them.
"Or she might be worse." Jack points out.
"That's her choice." The Doctor tells him.
"She's an egg." Rose states finally coming to terms with what Blon became. Ky lifts her head and pulls away slightly. Not enough to be out of the blondes arms but just so there is a little space between them.
"She's an egg." Ky agrees nodding her head at the blonde.
"Oh, my God. Mickey." Rose says completely letting go of the redhead. Rose runs out and across the cracked plaza, back to Mermaid Quay where ambulances are taking away the injured, she goes up to a paramedic and asks a question. She returns to the Tardis alone.
"We're all powered up. We can leave. Opening the rift filled us up with energy. We can go, if that's all right." The Doctor told her
"Yeah, fine." Rose tells him.
"How's Mickey?" Ky asks her a small smile on her face.
"He's okay. He's gone." Rose tells her not returning the smile. Ky instantly knows Rose couldn't find him. She frowns, "Do you want to go and find him? We'll wait." She asks.
"No need. He deserves better." Rose tells her forcing a smile.
"Off we go, then. Always moving on." The Doctor says starting up the Tardis. Jack and Ky help pilot. Ky had been teaching Jack in her spare time, with the Doctors approval of course.
"Next stop, Raxacoricofallapatorius. Now you don't often get to say that." Jack says cheerfully.
"We'll just stop by and pop her in the hatchery. Margaret the Slitheen can live her life again. A second chance." The Doctor tells them.
"That'd be nice." Rose mumbles. No one seems to catch it. But if they did they didn't say anything to her.

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