Dalek part two

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Outside the so-called cage, Van Statten tells the Doctor "We've tried everything. The creature has shielded itself but there's definite signs of life inside."
"Inside? Inside what?" The Doctor questions.
"Welcome back, sir. I've had to take the power down. The Metaltron is resting." Simmons informs.
"Metaltron?" The Doctor questions again.
"Thought of it myself. Good, isn't it? Although I'd much to prefer to find out it's real name." Van Statten says proudly, clearly thinking clever it is. "And the other one, how are they?"
"Awake, sir, just woke them up. Here, you'd better put these on. The last guy that touched it burst into flames." Simmons says to Van Statten to start with, then turned to the Doctor.
"I won't touch it then." The Doctor points out.
"Go ahead, Doctor. Impress me. After this impress me enough and you can see the other one." Van Statten says hoping to get plenty of results today. The Doctor steps through the heavy door, and they close it behind him when Van Statten says "Don't open that door until we get a result."
Van Statten and Goddard go to a desk with monitors on it.

It is dark inside the cage. The door clangs shut and locks. "Look, I'm sorry about this. Mister Van Statten might think he's clever, but never mind him. I've come to help. I'm the Doctor." The Doctor says not realising what's in front of him.
A white light blinks then changes to a blue glow. "Doc Tor?" The machine asks
"Impossible." The Doctor says in disbelief.
"The Doctor?" The lights come up to reveal a bad tempered pepperpot being held in chains.
"Exterminate! Exterminate!" It says.
The Doctor hammers on the door in terror. "Let me out!"

Outside Goddard sees this on the monitor "Sir, it's going to kill him."
But Van Statten doesn't care, all he cares about us results. "It's talking!" He says.

Back inside the cage. "You are an enemy of the Daleks! You must be destroyed!" The Dalek says as its gun arm twitches but nothing happens. "It's not working." The Doctor says overjoyed , The Doctor laughs as the Dalek looks at its impotent weapon.
"Fantastic! Oh, fantastic!Powerless! Look at you. The great space dustbin. How does it feel?" The Doctor taunts his enemy.
"Keep back!" The Dalek says, slightly scared. Instead The Doctor stands inches away, staring into its eyepiece. "What for? What're you going to do to me? If you can't kill, then what are you good for, Dalek? What's the point of you? You're nothing." He taunts again.
"What the hell are you here for?"
"I am waiting for orders." The Dalek replies.

"What does that mean?" Slightly stunned The Doctor asks.
"I am a soldier. I was bred to receive orders." The rusty metal machine answers.
"Well you're never going to get any. Not ever." The Doctor tells it.
"I demand orders!"
"They're never going to come! Your race is dead! You all burnt, all of you. Ten million ships on fire. The entire Dalek race wiped out in one second." The Doctor says harshly.

"You lie!" The Dalek says in disbelief.
"I watched it happen. I made it happen."
"You destroyed us?"
"I had no choice."
"And what of the Time Lords?"
"Dead. They burnt with you. The end of the last great Time War. Everyone lost." The Doctor says despite the possibility of one being near him right now, the Dalek doesn't need to know about that.
"And the coward survived." The Dalek taunts the Doctor
"Oh, and I caught your little signal. Help me. Poor little thing. But there's no one else coming 'cause there's no one else left."
"I am alone in the universe." It realised.
"Yep." "So are you. We are the same." The Dalek said.
"We're not the same! I'm not...No, wait. Maybe we are. You're right. Yeah, okay. You've got a point. 'Cause I know what to do. I know what should happen. I know what you deserve. Exterminate." The Doctor says and pulls a lever on a nearby console and the Dalek is lit up with electricity.
"Have pity!" Screeched the tin pepper pot.
"Why should I? You never did."

Outside Van Statten see what's going on and orders the guard to stop this "Get him out."

"Help me!" The Dalek cries out.
Guards grab the Doctor as he goes to ramp up the voltage again. "I saved your life. Now talk to me. Goddamn it, talk to me!" The man demands as Simmons turns off the electricity.
"You've got to destroy it!" The Doctor shouts as he is dragged out.
"The last in the universe. And now I know your name. Dalek. Speak to me, Dalek. I am Henry van Statten, now recognise me! Make it talk again, Simmons. Whatever it takes."  Van Statten states taking the Doctor with him. "You know what Doctor I don't think I'll show my other pet just yet. You don't get to see that one."

Upstairs Rose is with the young man, who she discovers his name is Adam, in his workshop.

"Sorry about the mess. Mister Van Statten sort of lets me do my own thing, so long as I deliver the goods. What do you think that is?"
Adam says as gives Rose an inch thick piece of metal.
"Er, a lump of metal?" Rose says.
"Yeah. Yeah, but I think, well, I'm almost certain, it's from the hull of a spacecraft. The thing is, it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet, spacecraft, aliens, visitors to Earth. They really exist." Adam retorts trying to impress Rose.
"That's amazing." Rose replies sarcastically but Adam doesn't catch the sarcasm and just carries on "I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life."
"I'm gobsmacked, yeah. And you do what, sit here and catalogue it?" Rose says going along with him, even though she probably knows more about this than him.
"Best job in the world." Adam says happily.
"Imagine if you could get out there. Travel amongst the stars and see it for real." Rose says trying to see if the brunet boy would be any good on their adventures.
"Yeah, I'd give anything. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Not in our lifetimes." Adam says to the pretty blonde.
"Oh, you never know. What about all those people who say they've been inside of spaceships and things and talked to aliens?" Replies the companion.
"I think they're nutters." The guy says rather harshly. "Yeah, me too. So, how'd you end up here?" Rose says rather dejectedly.
"Van Statten has agents all over the world looking for geniuses to recruit." Boasts Adam. "Oh, right. You're a genius." Rose says disbelievingly.
"Sorry, but yeah. I can't help it. I was born clever. When I was eight, I logged onto the US Defence System. Nearly caused World War Three." He says trying to impress her.
"What, and that's funny, is it?"
"Well, you should've been there just to see them running about. Fantastic!" Adam laughs.
"You sound like the Doctor." Rose thinks out loud.
"Are you and him?"
"No, we're just friends."
"Good." Adam says pleased.
"Why is it good?" Rose questions.
"It just is." Adam replies.

"So, wouldn't you rather be downstairs? I mean, you've got these bits of metal and stuff, but Mister Van Statten's got the living creatures down there." Rose changes the topic hastily. "Yeah. Yeah, well, I did ask, but he keeps it to himself. Although, if you're a genius, it doesn't take long to patch through on the comm. system." Adam says still trying to impress the pretty girl.
"Let's have a look, then."
"It doesn't do much, the alien. It's weird. It's kind of useless. It's just like this great big pepper pot."
They watch the Dalek screaming as Simmons takes a big drill to its casing.
"It's being tortured! Where's the Doctor?" Rose cries.
"I don't know." Adam says.
"What about the other one? Van Statten said he had two pets?"
"There is no feed to the other one. Never had been. He likes to keep that one private from most people for some reason." Adam says to an upset Rose.
"Take me down there now." She demands.

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