Bad wolf part one

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The Doctor and Kyraiah wake up in a cupboard together.
"What is it? What's happening?" The Doctor asks her. She looks at him, her head spinning abit, and just shrugs. "I have no idea. What did you do?" She replies to him. The Doctor just looks at her a bit hurt, why did she think he'd done something.
The Doctor and Kyraiah fall out of a small spinning cupboard.
"Oh, my God! I don't believe it! Why'd they put you in there? They never said you were coming." A blonde lady said to the pair.
"What happened? I was. We were." The Doctor and Ky both ask in unison.
"Careful now. Oh! Oh, mind yourself! Oh, that's the transmat. It scrambles your head. I was sick for days. All right? So, what's your names then, sweethearts?" The blonde lady asks and smiles at them.
The Doctor is very unsteady. So is Ky, she stumbles as she tries to get her bearings.
"The Doctor, I think. I was, er. I don't know, what happened? How"
"I, I'm, er, I'm Kyraiah. Yeah that's my name. Kyraiah." They both reply
"You got chosen." The sweet blonde lady tells them. Looking at her Ky starts to think of another blonde head but it starts to slip from her grasp as soon as she thinks too hard.
"Chosen for what?" They ask in unison again.
"You're housemates. You're in the house. Isn't that brilliant?!" She tells them enthusiastically. Both Timelords look at each other confused then back at the blonde lady. Over by a pink screen with a stylised eye on it, a young man in a t-shirt is not amused. "That's not fair. We've got eviction in five minutes! I've been here for all nine weeks, I've followed the rules, I haven't had a single warning, and then they come swanning in." He moans.
Then dark-skinned young lady in the pink shirt joins in. "If they keep changing the rules, I'm going to protest, I am. You watch me, I'm going to paint the walls."

"Would the Doctor and Kyraiah please come to the Diary Room." A voice says to the group. They get up and look at each other heading towards the so-called diary room.

The Doctor goes through a door with the stylised eye on it first and sits in a comfy chair. Ky follows him in and sits on the arm.
"You are live on channel forty four thousand. Please do not swear." The voice says to them again.
"You have got to be kidding." The Doctor says looking into the camera. Ky just frowns, she know where she is and she doesn't like it.

The both leave the diary room and look around. The Doctor is checking his surroundings with the sonic screwdriver.

"I can't open it." The Doctor says checking the door.
"It's got a deadlock seal, ever since Big Brother five hundred and four when they all walked out. You must remember that." The blonde lady asks him. They must remember that, if not were had these two been she thinks to herself.
"What about this?" Ky asks her pointing at an alcove with a picture reflecting on it.
"Oh, that's exoglass. You'd need a nuclear bomb to get through." The lady told her. The Doctor looks at Ky as she looks at him.
"Don't tempt me." He says as she tells them, "Maybe not, just a lot of power." Ky says, mostly to herself.
The Doctor looks at her and shakes his head, telling her not to try that yet.
"I know you're not supposed to talk about the outside world, but you must've been watching. Do people like me? Lynda. Lynda with a Y, not Linda with an I. She got forcibly evicted because she damaged the camera. Am I popular?" The sweet woman asks them. They both look at her as the Doctor answers her. "I don't remember."
"Oh, but does that mean I'm nothing? Some people get this far just because they're insignificant. Doesn't anybody notice me?" The lady asks him.
Ky thinks for a second. "No, you're, you're nice. You're sweet. Everybody thinks you're sweet." She says. She is, that's all Ky could think when she looked at the woman.
"Oh, is that right? Is that what I am? Oh, no one's ever told me that before. Am I sweet? Really?" Lynda asks her a sweet smile on her face.
"Yeah. Dead sweet." The Doctor replies honestly.
"Thank you."
The two Timelords rush over to what looks like a blacked out window or door.
"It's a wall. Isn't there supposed to be a garden out there or something?" Ky asks, vaguely remembering the show that she had come across days ago.
"Don't be daft. No one's got a garden anymore. Who's got a garden? Don't tell me you've got a garden." Lynda says to the two in disbelief.
"No, I've just got the Tardis. I remember." The Doctor told her. Ky could remember too, it was like his words triggered something in her.
"That's the amnesia! So what happened? Where did they get you?" Lynda asked them, curious to see where the two strangers had come from.
"We'd just left Raxacoriofallapatorius. Then we went to Kyoto." Ky started telling her for the Doctor to nod and carry on for her. "That's right, Japan in 1336, and we only just escaped." "Yeah. We were together, we were laughing, and then there was this light. This white light coming through the walls, and then." Ky said realising her friends weren't here with her and the Doctor.
"And then we woke up here." The Doctor said for her, realising the same thing. Where were their friends.
"Yeah, that's the transmat beam. That's how they pick the housemates." Lynda innocently informing them.
"Oh, Lynda with a Y. Sweet little Lynda. It's worse than that. We're not just a passing travellers. No stupid little transmat gets inside our ship. That beam was fifteen million times more powerful, which means this isn't just a game. There's something else going on." The Doctor then informed her before he spoke into one of the Eyes on the walls, not knowing there's a camera behind there. "Well, here's the latest update from the Big Brother house. We're getting out. We're going to find our friends, and then we're going to find you."

A little while later Ky and the Doctor are busy trying to figure out how to get out when Lynda speaks to them. "Doctor, Kyraiah, they said all the housemates must gather on the sofa. You've got to."

"We're busy trying to get out, thanks." Ky says not looking at the woman.
"But if you don't obey, then all the housemates get punished." With that statement both Timelords turn to move over to the sofa.

"Well, maybe we'll be voted out, then." The Doctor says cheerfully.
"How stupid are you? You've only just joined, you're not eligible." The man tells them. To be honest Ky had forgot he was here but now after hearing him talk she decided she doesn't like him.
"Don't try anything clever or we all get it in the neck." Lynda politely informs them.
"Big Brother House this is, Davina Droid. Crosbie, Lynda and Strood, you have all been nominated for eviction. And the eighth person to be evicted from the Big Brother House is...........Crosbie!" A voice tells them.
The Doctor leans back on the sofa, bored. Ky leans on his shoulder, scared and annoyed which for the powerful Timelady is not a good combination, trying to calm herself. She hears everyone talking but loses focus trying to come up with a plan. She zones out that much that everything sounds muffled, like she's underwater.

"I'm sorry! Oh, I'm sorry! Sorry!"
"Oh, it should've been me. Oh, that's not fair, Crosbie love."
"Crosbie, you have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're going to get you."
"I won't forget you."
"I'm sorry I stole your soap."
"I don't mind, honestly."
"Thanks for the food. You're a smashing cook. Bless you."
"Crosbie, please leave the Big Brother House."
"Bye, then. Bye, Lynda."
"I don't believe it. Crosbie."
"It's only a game show. She'll make a fortune on the outside. Sell her story, release a record, fitness video, all of that. she'll be laughing."
"What do you mean, on the outside?"
"Here we go."
"What are they waiting for? Why don't they just let her go?"
"Stop it, it's not funny."
"Eviction in five, four, three, two, one."
"What was that?"
"Disintegrator beam."
"She's been evicted. From life."
It's these three sentences that bring Kyraiah out from her head. She looks at the Doctor and he looks at her. He realises that throughout this whole thing she want really there, she was in her head. They both share a look that says they need to get out of there.

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