Dalek part five

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On the other side of the bulkhead to where the Dalek was, rather than safety was, Kyraiah talks to it. "Go on then, kill me. Why're you doing this? Finish what you started on Gallifrey. Go on."
"I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose."
"They're all dead because of you." Ky said
"They are dead because of us. Me and Rose Tyler."
"And now what? What're you waiting for?"
"I feel your fear." The Dalek said.
"What do you expect?" Ky said. "You kind killed my people. You've tried to kill me once."
"Daleks do not fear. Must not fear." The Dalek shoots at either side of the bulkhead door.
"She gave me life. What else did she give me? I am contaminated."

Back in the office, Adam and Rose enter. Rose runs to the Doctor and into his arms, crying for the girl she barely knew but very quickly became friends with.
"You were quick on your feet, leaving Rose and Kyraiah behind."
"I'm not the one who sealed the vault! You've still got Rose anyway, she's right there, in your arms."
A screen comes to life and the Dales speaks to the Doctor. "Open the bulkhead or Kyraiah dies."
"You're alive!" The Doctor cheers and Rose laughs and smiles.
"Can't get rid of me that easily you two."
"I thought you were dead." The Doctor and Rose both say.
"Open the bulkhead!" The Dalek demands.
"Don't do it!" Ky shouts.
"What use are emotions if you will not save the last woman of your kind?"
"I killed her once. I can't do it again." The Doctor admits.
The bulkhead opens. Ky and the Dalek walk through.
"What do we do now, you bleeding heart. What the hell do we do?" Van Statten says scarred for his life.
"Kill it when it gets here." Adam says.
"All the guns are useless, and the alien weapons are in the vault." Goddard says.
"Only the catalogued ones." Adam sheepishly admits.

In Adam's workshop the Doctor goes through the bins of junk. Rose is standing in the back watching him. "Broken. Broken. Hairdryer."
"Mister Van Statten tends to dispose of his staff, and when he does he wipes their memory. I kept this stuff in case I needed to fight my way out one day." Adam says
"What, you in a fight? I'd like to see that." The Doctor laughs at that.
"I could do." Adam says not liking the way the Doctor sees him.
"What're you going to do, throw your A-Levels at 'em?" Rose asks laughing
"Oh, yes. Lock and load." The Doctor says finding a working gun.

In the lift Ky is talking to the Dalek. "I'm begging you, don't kill them. You didn't kill me."
"But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I?" The Dalek retorts.

"Don't move. Don't do anything. It's beginning to question itself." Ky says as they come up to the office.
"Van Statten. You tortured me. Tortured us. Why?" The Dalek asks.
"I wanted to help you both. I just, I don't know. I was trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you, if we could mend you. I wanted you better. Both of you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk!" Van Statten cries backing agains a wall.
"Then hear me talk now. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!" The Dalek screeches loudly.
"Don't do it! Don't kill him! You don't have to do this anymore. There must be something else, not just killing. What else is there? What do you want?" Ky asks hopefully, she know this thing is no longer a pure Dalek.
"I want freedom." The Dalek says.
Meanwhile The Doctor is running up the stairs with his honking big gun with rose running right behind him.

On the top floor The Dalek blasts a hole in the roof, and a shaft of sunlight streams down straight onto its eyepiece.
"You're out. You made it. I never thought I'd feel the sunlight again. Feels so good after 3 years." Ky says looking at the natural light streaming through the roof.
"How does it feel?" The Dalek asks and opens its middle and dome sections to reveal the one-eyed mutant within. It holds out a tendril.
"Get out of the way. Ky, get out of the way now!"
"No. I won't let you do this." Ky says.
"That thing killed hundreds of people. Killed our people Ky."
"It's not the one pointing the gun at me Doctor."
"I've got to do this. I've got to end it. The Daleks destroyed my home, your home, our people. I've got nothing left." The Doctor says close to tears.
"There's me. Your not alone now. Look at it anyway." Ky respond equally as teary.
"What's it doing?" Rose asks.
"It's the sunlight, that's all it wants."
"But it can't." The Doctor said.
"I know. It couldn't kill Van Statten, it couldn't kill me. It's changing. What about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changing into? This isn't the man I heard stories about whilst growing up. That gun isn't you."  Ky says, revealing she knew what kind of man he was.
"I couldn't. I wasn't. Oh, Ky. They're all dead."
"I know." Ky responds.
"Why do we survive?" The Dalek asks the two Timelords.
"I don't know." They both respond. "I am the last of the Daleks." It says.
"You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you. You've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating." The Doctor says looking at the Dalek first then at Kyraiah, who nods telling him she new what was happening all along.
"Into what?" The tin machine asks.
"Something new. I'm sorry." Ky responds to it.
"Isn't that better?" Rose asks after watching the interaction curiously. She was so happy that her new friend was alive and that the Doctor was no longer that last of his kind.
"Not for a Dalek." The Doctor says.
"I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die." The Dalek says looking at her.
"I can't do that." Rose says sadly.
"This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey!" The Dalek chants.
Ky looks at Roses tears eyes and walks over to her and grabs her hand. "Go on Rose. Help it. It needs you, it's okay I'm right here."
"Do it." Rose says choking down a sob and squeezing Raiah's hand.
"Are you frightened, Rose Tyler?" The Dalek asks
"Yeah." She answer honestly
"So am I. Exterminate."
The Dalek shuts its eye. Rose turns into the redheads arms as it closes up its armour again then rises into the air. The balls on its lower body spread out around it creating a forcefield, then it implodes safely.
The Doctor turns to the two girls and smiles softly at them. At how well they are getting on and how close they already seem.

In a separate corridor Van Statten is under guard, wherever they came from.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asks the woman beside him.
"Two hundred personnel dead, and all because of you, sir. Take him away, wipe his memory, and leave him by the road someplace." She responds.
"You can't do this to me. I am Henry van Statten!" He says not believing what he's hearing.
"And by tonight, Henry van Statten will be a homeless, brainless junkie living on the streets of San Diego, Seattle, Sacramento. Someplace beginning with S." Goddard says happily.

Back in the Museum near the Tardis. "A little piece of home. Better than nothing." The Doctor says as Kyraiah strokes a panel admiring the machine with wide eyes.
"Is that the end of it, the Time War?" Rose asks curiously .
"We're the only ones left. We win. How about that?" The Doctor says sadly but smiling slightly at Ky.
"The Dalek survived. So did Raiah. Maybe some more of your people did too." Rose says hopefully.
"I'd know. In here. (his head) Feels like there's no one else."
"Well then, good thing I'm not going anywhere." Rose says with a smile.
"Me neither if you don't mind. I'd like to stay with you two." Ky says finally looking away from the box and the two in front of her.
"I'm down. What about you Doctor. Ready for another girl aboard?" Rose says with a smile.
"Yeah. Definitely. Both of you together could be trouble. But why not. Wouldn't want it any other way."
Adam come up to the trio. "We'd better get out. Van Statten's disappeared. They're closing down the base. Goddard says they're going to fill it full of cement, like it never existed."
"About time." Rose and Ky say looking at each other.
"I'll have to go back home." Adam says.
"Better hurry up then. Next flight to Heathrow leaves at fifteen hundred hours." Doctor says, not really liking the boy.
"Adam was saying that all his life he wanted to see the stars." Rose said to the pair. Ky looks at Adam and then smirks at Rose.
"Tell him to go and stand outside, then." The Doctor says to her.
"He's all on his own, Doctor, and he did help." Ky says looking at the Doctor.
"He left you down there. Both of you."
"So did you." The both respond together. The Doctor just looks at them. They've been friends barely a few hours and they are already talking in sync. What has he let himself into. Looking from a hopeful Rose to Ky who had a huge puppy dog look on her face how could he say no. That face, he'd have to watch out for that face. It would get him into trouble later down the road he knew it. 
"What're you talking about? We've got to leave." Adam say looking at the trio inquisitively.
"Plus, he's a bit pretty." The Doctor says to them.
"I hadn't noticed." Ky says whilst winking at Adam. Leaving the British boy a bit flustered. Rose and Ky laugh at his response and the Doctor just shakes his head.
"On your own heads." The girls grin at each other triumphantly
The Doctor unlocks the Tardis.
"What're you doing? She said cement. She wasn't joking. We're going to get sealed in." Adam says confused as to what going on.
The Doctor, Rose and Kyraiah go inside the Tardis.
"Doctor? What're you doing standing inside a box? Rose? Kyra?"
Adam creeps inside the Tardis, and it dematerialises.

(A/n I decided that I wanted Rose and Ky to best friends. I see a lot of these stories where Rose isn't keen or friendly to timeladies or othe women in general that appear in these stories. And that's just not how I see her character. I really like rose and wanted he to get along with my character really well. More of Kyraiahs personality will be coming through soon)

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