The empty child part three

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Walking down the hallway Kyraiah and Jack shouted for  the Doctor and Rose.
"Hello?" Jack shouted taking the lead.
"Hello? Doctor? Rose? Hello?" Ky shouted looking for her friends.
"Hello?" Jack shouted again.

The came to a hallway where they could see her friends.
She sighed in relief.
"Good evening. Hope we're not interrupting. Jack Harkness. I've been hearing all about you both on the way over from Rai-Rai here."
"He knows. I had to tell him about us being Time Agents." Ky told both her friends.
"And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mister Spock. You too, Rosie."
Jack walks forward to the ward.
"Mister Spock?" The Doctor asks
"Rosie?" Rose asks as well but chuckled slightly at the name Raiah gave the Doctor.
"What I was bored. Wanted to have a little fun and make Rose laugh. Also do you not get bored of just the Doctor, why do think I let you all have your own nicknames for me. Rose I never called you that, that's all Jack." She said with a smile.
"Nine centuries in, I'm coping. Where've you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz. It's not a good time for a stroll." He said to her his parental side coming out, making Rose laugh and Kyraiah scowl.
"Who's strolling? I went by barrage balloon. Only way to see an air raid." Ky said with a huge grin.
"What?!" The doctor nearly yelled.
"Listen, what's a Chula warship?" The girl asked. She maybe smart but she was still young. She didn't know everything.
"Chula?" The Doctor asked her.
Jack is using a wrist tricorder thing to examine the patients.
"This just isn't possible. How did this happen?" He asks the Doctor
"What kind of Chula ship landed here?" The Doctor asked him in return.
"What?" He asked confused.
"He said it was a warship. He stole it, parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it unless we make him an offer." Kyraiah told her father figure.
"What kind of warship?" The Doctor pressed again. He didn't like the idea for someone he considered a daughter with this man.
"Does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this." Jack pointed out.
"This started at the bomb site. It's got everything to do with it. What kind of warship?" The Doctor nearly yelled at him
"An ambulance! Look." Jack produces a hologram of it from his wrist device. "That's what you chased through the Time Vortex. It's space junk. I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. I made sure of it. Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. Saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look, by the way, nice panels. Threw you the bait."
"Bait?" Rose asked not quite sure what was going on. The two Timelords seemed to have a good idea and the man somehow seemed to be implicated in it but she wasn't sure how.
"I wanted to sell it to you and then destroy it before you found out it was junk." Jack said to the blonde.
"You said it was a war ship." Rose said still confused.
"They have ambulances in wars, Rose." Kyraiah said to her friend. Jack nodded at her and continued on. "It was a con. I was conning you. That's what I am, I'm a con man. I thought you were Time Agents. You're not, are you."
"Just a three more freelancers." Ky said smirking at him.
"Oh. Should have known. The way those guys are blending in with the local colour. I mean, Flag Girl is bad enough, but U-Boat Captain? You Rai-Rai, I believed. Anyway, whatever's happening here has got nothing to do with that ship." Jack said and he was telling the truth. Her, he could believe that she might've been a Time Agent but her friends there is no way.
"What is happening here, Doctor?" Ky said, she had and idea but wanted it to be sure.
"Human DNA is being rewritten by an idiot." The Doctor replied looking down at her.
"Does that idiot happen to sound American by any chance?" She thought. She tried projecting that thought to the Doctor as she had many times recently. She knew that eventually they would be able to telepathically communicate but it was taking a while.
The Doctors eyes widened slightly when he heard her. They'd been trying to send thought to each other recently and it hadn't been working but this one came through loud and clear. Now it was his turn to send one back. "Most likely, yes." He thought to her. Looking down he saw her looking up at him and smiling. It had worked she had gotten it.
"What do you mean?" Rose asked looking at the two. Just but their faces she could tell what had happened. Finally, it had worked and she was happy for them. They had been trying so hard recently.
"I don't know. Some kind of virus converting human beings into these things. But why? What's the point?" The Doctor said trying to figure it out in his head.

The patients suddenly sit up and started chanting.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy? Mummy?"
"What's happening?" Ky asked scared.
"I don't know." The Doctor responded which made Ky do something she'd never done before. She grabbed his hand with her shaking one, she needed comfort and the only one who could do that was the Doctor.
The patients and Doctor Constantine all stand up chanting again. "Mummy."
"Don't let them touch you." The Doctor said looking down at his daughter.
"What happens if they touch us?" Jack asked.
Ky whispered to herself. "Don't say what I think your going to say. Please don't say it."
"You're looking at it." The Doctor responded to Jack.
Ky looked down. "You said it. I knew it was gonna be that but I didnt want to be right. Why did I have to be right?" She whispered to no one again.
The patients close in on the Doctor, Kyraiah, Rose and Jack. Ky grabs Rose with her other hand, wanting her best friend right next to her too.
"Help me, mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."

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