The parting of ways part three

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Ky lays curled up on the floor sobbing as Rose runs about. "You can't do this to me. To us. You can't. Take me back! Take us back! No!" Rose says as she tries to use the controls, but the engine stops. She runs outside into the Powell Estate, then back inside.
"Come on, fly. How do you fly? Come on, help me! Raiah you can fly her. Come help." This just make Kyraiah sob more. She gets up and hugs her blonde friend. "Even if I wanted to I can't. The protocol he put it on stops me from doing so. He's locked me out."
Rose finally gives up and goes outside hand in hand with Kyraiah. Mickey comes running down the road.
"I knew it! I was all the way down Clifton Parade, and I heard the engines. I thought, there's only one thing that makes a noise like that. What is it?" He says happily until he see both girls faces. Rose hugs him, without letting go of Raiah, in tears.

The three meet Jackie in a cafe. Jackie instantly takes in Kyraiah when seeing how much she means to Rose. She also adopts Roses nickname for her. Whole chickens turn in a rotisserie. Jackie and Mickey are eating their meals out of polystyrene containers. Rose and Raiah aren't hungry.
"And it's gone up market, this place. They're doing little tubs of coleslaw, now. It's not very nice. It tastes a bit sort of clinical." Jackie tells the three.
"Have you tried that new pizza place down Minto Road?" Mickey asks her.
"What's it selling?"
"That's nice. Do they deliver?"
"Oh, Rose, Raiah, have something to eat" Jackie tells the girls.
"Two hundred thousand years in the future, he's dying, my dads dying and there's nothing I can do." Ky tells her. It's the first time she's ever called him that out loud and now it hurts too. She just wished she got chance to call him that more. Rose, despite being extremely sad about what happened, let's a small smile at the fact she called him her dad. She could see it in Kys face, for a while, that she wanted to call him that every time she called him Doctor. She had never said anything about it though, knowing that Ky was still scared about losing people. Losing the people she held closets to her, the people she loved, her family.
"Well, like you said two hundred thousand years. It's way off." Jackie tells the girl. Her heart broke at seeing this beautiful young girl so sad and she didn't really even know her.
"But it's not. It's now. That fight is happening right now, and he's fighting for us, for the whole planet, and I'm just sitting here eating chips." Rose says. She does the only thing she can think of, she grabs Kys shaking hand and holds it in hers. Between the crying and her powers, Kyraiahs whole body is shaking.
"Listen to me. God knows I have hated that man, but right now, I love him and do you know why? Because he did the right thing. He sent you back to me." Jackie tells her daughter, which make Ky let out a loud sob.
"But what do I do every day, mum? What do I do? Get up, catch the bus, go to work, come back home, eat chips and go to bed? Is that it? What about Kyraiah, huh, what does she do? Even if we live here for the rest of our lives. We will die and she will still be here alone. It's not fair."
"It's what the rest of us do." Mickey tells her.
"But I can't!" Rose shouts at him
"Why, because you're better than us?" Mickey shouts at her. By this point Kyraiah can't take anymore. She gets up and because Rose sat her next to the window, she vaults over the table and runs outside away from everyone.
"No, I didn't mean that. But it was. It was a better life. And I don't mean all the travelling and seeing aliens and spaceships and things. That don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. You know he showed you too. That you don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away, and I just can't." Rose says runs out of the cafe, looking for her friend.
Eventually she finds her on a bench in the Powell Estate. The sit in silence holding each other's hand.
Mickey come over eventually to talk to them both. He sits next to Rose, he still hasn't really spoke to Kyraiah. The only other time he saw her he knocked her over.
"You can't spend the rest of your life thinking about the Doctor."
"I can and it's going to be a long time for me" Ky mumbles, only Rose hearing what she said squeezing her hand.
"But how do I forget him?" Rose asks.
"You've got to start living your own life. You know, a proper life, like the kind he's never had. The sort of life that you could have with me." Mickeys says to her. He realises he maybe able to help Rose but she's the only one who can really help Kyraiah. But he can try.
"Kyrai, can I call you that, I know we got off on the wrong foot but I'm here for you too. Your close to Rose so, maybe we can get to know each other and be friends." Mickey says to the redhead. She looks up at him and softly smiles and nods.

Then Rose notices large letters painted on the tarmac of the play area. In big yellow writing the words 'BAD WOLF' are graffitied on the ground. She gets up and looks around.
"Over here. It's over here as well!" Rose says to the two.
"That's been there for years. It's just a phrase. It's just words." Mickey tries telling her.
"We thought it was a warning. Maybe it's the opposite. Maybe it's a message. The same words written down now and two hundred thousand years in the future. It's a link between us and the Doctor. Bad Wolf here, Bad Wolf there." Ky says getting a little bit cheerier.
"But if it's a message, what's it saying?" Mickey asks them.
"It's telling us we can get back. The least we can do is help him escape." Rose told him, grabbing both off their hands and pulling them along to the Tardis.

"All the Tardis needs to do is make a return trip. Just reverse." Rose says.
To which Mickey points out. "Yeah, but we still can't do it."
"The Doctor always said the Tardis was telepathic. This thing is alive. It can listen." Rose said to him. Ky just walked over and sat on the jump seat. She was going to wait till she was needed. Rose didn't want to ask Raiah to even try and open the console. She knew that if they got back, she would need every ounce of energy she had.
"It's not listening now, is it?" Mickey said, trying to get Rose to listen.
"We need to get inside it. Last time I saw you, with the Slitheen, this middle bit opened, and there was this light, and the Doctor said it was the heart of the Tardis. If we can open it, I can make contact. I can tell it what to do." Rose told him.
"If you go back, you're going to die."
"That's a risk I've got to take, because there's nothing left for me here. Even if I did Raiah needs her dad." Now Rose could openly call them father and daughter seen as Ky could say it out loud. She had seen them as such from the moment the pair had taken the young Timelady aboard.
"Okay, if that's what you think, let's get this thing open."

Mickey fastens a heavy chain to the tow hitch on his Mini. The other end is fastened to the Tardis console. He drives forward slowly, trying to pull it open.
"Faster!" Rose tells . Kyraiah just looks on in slight amusement to Mickey's car tires spinning but it not moving.
From the Powell Estate, Jackie watches as the Mini burns rubber fruitlessly.
"Come on!"
"It's not moving!"
The chain breaks. Rose kicks the console in frustration.
"Hey don't kick her!" Kyraiah jokingly shouts at the girl. It's a small amount of humour she could muster in her current state.

Jackie walks over to the Tardis and stands in front of the girls "It was never going to work, sweetheart. And the Doctor knew that. He just wanted you both to be safe." Jackie says to her daughter and her friend.
"I can't give up." Rose tells her mum.
"Lock the door. Walk away." She tells her daughter
"Dad wouldn't give up." Rose told her mum.
"Well, he's not here, is he? And even if he was, he'd say the same." Jackie tries telling her mum.
"No, he wouldn't. He'd tell me to try anything. If I could save the Doctor's life, try anything." Rose fires back.
"Well, we're never going to know."
"Well, I know because I met him. I met Dad."
"Don't be ridiculous."
"The Doctor took me back in time, and I met Dad."
"Don't say that."
"Remember when Dad died? There was someone with him. A girl, a blonde girl. She held his hand. You saw her from a distance, Mum. You saw her! Think about it. That was me. You saw me."
"Stop it."
"That's how good the Doctor is."
"Stop it! Just stop it!" Jackie says as she runs out.

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