The parting of ways part two

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The Doctor is pulling bits out of some conduits, Ky is beside him doing the same thing.
"Dalek plan. Big mistake, because what have they left me with? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, come on, it's obvious. A great big transmitter. This station. If I can change the signal, fold it back, sequence it, anyone?" The Doctor said, also giving Ky a look so she didn't say it. He knew she knew but wanted to see if anyone else did.
"You've got to be kidding." Jack said looking between the two Timelords.
"Give the man a medal." Kyraiah said with a smirk.
"A Delta Wave?" Jack asked to be sure.
"A Delta Wave!" Both Timelords replied.
"What's a Delta Wave?" Rose asked the trio.
"A wave of Van Cassadyne energy. It fries your brain. Stand in the way of a Delta Wave and your head gets barbequed." Jack told her.
"And this place can transmit a massive wave. Wipe out the Daleks!" Ky said to the group of people.
"Well, get started and do it then." Lynda said.
"Trouble is, wave this size, building this big, brains as clever as ours, should take about, oh, three days? How long till the Fleet arrive?" The Doctor said.
"Twenty two minutes." The man from earlier said. Ky wished she had time to learn his name but she didn't.

Later, after some rerouting of bits and pieces.
"We've now got a forcefield so they can't blast us out of the sky, but that doesn't stop the Daleks from physically invading." Jack said.
"Do they know about the Delta Wave?" The still unknown man said.
"They'll have worked it out at the same time. So, they want to stop the Doctor and Rai. That means they've got to get to this level, five hundred. Now, I can concentrate the extrapolator around the top six levels, five hundred to four nine five. So they'll penetrate the station below that at level four nine four and fight their way up." Jack said to his group of people.
"Who are they fighting?"
"And what are we fighting with?"
"The guards had guns with bastic bullets. That's enough to blow a Dalek wide open." Jack lied. He knew it was a lie but he needed to be able to give the Timelords as much time as he could.
"There's five of us."
"Rose, you can help us. We need all these wires stripping bare." The Doctor said, wanting Rose nowhere near the fighting.
"Right, now there's four of us."
"Then let's move it. Into the lift. Isolate the lift controls." Jack said.
All the workers do just that run off.
"I just want to say, er, thanks, I suppose, and I'll do my best." Lynda said to both Timelords.
"Me too." Both replied. The Doctor and Lynda shake hands, she goes to shake Ky's but gets pulled into a hug instead. and Lynda moves away.
"It's been fun, but I guess this is goodbye." Jack said to the trio.
"Don't talk like that. The Doctor and Raiah's going to do it. You just watch them." Rose told him. She had so much faith in them.
"Rose, you are worth fighting for" and he kisses her. "Wish I'd never met you, Doctor. I was much better off as a coward."Jack says and kisses the Doctor. "And you Rai-Rai, the bestest friend I've ever had." He kisses her too, deeper than the other two. All the flirting they had ever done was thrown into that kiss.
"See you in hell." Jack says as he leaves.
"He's going to be all right, isn't he?" Rose says but no one answers he.

The Timelords are sat working on the delta wave, Rose stands next to them occasionally pacing near them. "Suppose." Rose said looking down at both Timelords.
The Doctor looks up at her and asks, "What?"
"Nothing." Rose said deciding on keeping quite.
"You said suppose." Ky told her, pouting at her with her finger.
"No, I was just thinking. I mean, obviously you can't, but, you've got a time machine. Why can't you just go back to last week and warn them?" Rose asked them.
"As soon as the Tardis lands in that second, I become part of events, stuck in the timeline." The Doctor told her then.
"Yeah, thought it'd be something like that" Rose said to him.
"There's another thing the Tardis could do. It could take us away. We could leave. Let history take its course. We go to Marbella in 1989." The Doctor said to her.
"Yeah, but you two'd never do that." Rose said to them.
"No, but you could of asked. Never even occurred to you, did it?" Ky pointed out to her.
"Well, I'm just too good." Rose said .
"Yes you are, Rose Tyler. Your the best human I've, wait no that's wrong, your the best being I've ever met. Not just best human but best being out there in all the galaxies." Kyraiah said smiling softly at her best friend.
The Doctor looked between the girls, saddened by what is going to happen. "The Delta Wave's started building. How long does it need?"
They run over to a console.
"Is that bad? Okay, it's bad. How bad is it?" Rose asks.
"Rose Tyler, you're a genius! We can do it. If I use the Tardis to cross my old timeline. Yes!" The Doctor said to Rose, running to the Tardis. Both girls follow him.

"Hold that down and keep position." The Doctor said.
"What's it do?" Rose asks him.
"Cancels the buffers. If I'm very clever and I'm more than clever, I'm brilliant, I might just save the world. Or rip it apart" The Doctor said lying through his teeth.
"Liar. Your sending her home, aren't you?" Ky spoke to him through their minds.
"Yes I am, and your going with her." He fired back at her
"I'd go for the first one." Rose said unknowingly interrupting the mind conversation the two were having.
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"I'm not please don't please... Dad don't." Ky thought close to tears.
"You just called me dad."  The Doctor stilled slightly she's never called him that and now she had, he was sending her away.
"Yeah because you are my dad I've wanted to for a while I just didn't know when too." He watched a silent lonely tear fell from her eye and before rose could see it she wiped it away.
"Right if I'm your dad then listen to me and do as I say, your going with Rose" he said blocking the telepathy so she couldn't argue anymore.
"Me too. Now, I've just got to go and power up the Game Station. Hold on!"
The Doctor runs out and stops in the midst of his mares-nest of cables. He looks back at the Tardis then points the sonic screwdriver at it. The engines start.
"Doctor, what're you doing? Can I take my hand off? It's moving." Rose shouts. Rose runs to the door banging on it. "Doctor, let us out! Let us out! Doctor, what've you done?" The Tardis dematerialises. A hologram of the Doctor appears.
"This is Emergency Programme One. Rose, Kyraiah, now listen, this is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing. We must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I'm dead or about to die any second with no chance of escape."
"No!" Rose screams as Ky sobs.
"And that's okay. Hope it's a good death. But I promised to look after you, and that's what I'm doing. The Tardis is taking you home. I'm sending Kyraiah with you. I couldn't separate the two of you even if I wanted too"
"I won't let you." Rose shouted at it again.
"And I bet you're fussing and moaning now. Typical. But hold on and just listen a bit more. The Tardis can never return for me. Emergency Programme One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do. Let the Tardis die. Just let this old box gather dust. No one can open it. No one'll even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years, the world'll move on and the box will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all, one thing. Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose, Ky. Have a fantastic life. Both of you." The hologram says, looking at them for the last bit before flickering out.

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