Dalek part one

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(A/n for this episode only will everything that is going on be written about after this episode it will be more focused.)

When the Tardis landed, the Doctor and Rose walked out into a very dimly lit area in which display cases could be made out, but what was in them could not be.
"So what is it? What's wrong?" Rose asked wondering what the Tardis has found.
"Don't know. Some kind of signal drawing the Tardis off course." The doctor replied also curious to what could have possibly called out for help.

"Where are we?" Rose wondered.
"Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground." Recited the Doctor as if he was reading it off a map.

"And when are we?"
"Two thousand and twelve." The Doctor informed her whilst looking at the glass boxes.
"God, that's so close. So I should be twenty-six." Rose said whilst the Doctor was looking for a light switch so he could see properly only half paying attention, he was being put off by a feeling he had.  One he had not felt in a long time. A pulling sensation in his head. But it couldn't be, it was impossible they were all gone. Had been for a long, long time. He couldn't get his hopes up, no he wouldn't because that way he couldn't be disappointed when it ultimately was a false alarm.

"Blimey. It's a great big museum." Rose says when he turns the light on. "An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must have spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust. That's the milometer from the Roswell spaceship." The Doctor tells his blonde companion.
"That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm. It's been stuffed." Rose said slightly disgusted and also intrigued as to whether it came from Downing street or not.

"Oh, look at you." The Doctor said full of nostalgia of days gone by.
"What is it?"  Rose asked looking at the strange metal thing that looked somewhat like a head.
"An old friend of mine. Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old." The Doctor chuckled slightly looking at the Cyberman head.
"Is that where the signal's coming from?" Rose asked the Doctor curiously. "No, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out, calling for help." The Doctor says as he touches the cases and sets off an alarm. Armed guards appear, seemingly out of nowhere, surrounding them cutting them off from the big blue box. "If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A." Rose says lightly trying to make a joke.

Elsewhere, "Attention all personnel. Bad Wolf One descending. Bad Wolf One descending." Could be heard over the tannoy.

On the roof a helicopter has landed and four armed guards line the corridor as a man and his aides stride out of a doorway.
"On behalf of all of us, I want to wish you a very happy birthday, sir. And the President called to convey his personal best wishes." A man says looking slightly nervous.
"The President is ten points down. I want him replaced."
Another man says. "I don't think that's very wise, sir." The first man says quickly. "Thank you so much for your opinion. You're fired. Get rid of him." The second man says annoyed and slightly amused. "What?" The first man says now frightened. One of the armed guards drags him away.
"Wipe his memory, put him on the road someplace. Memphis, Minneapolis. Somewhere beginning with M." The second man says, quickly showing his authority and position as the boss.
A woman runs to his side to replace the quickly forgotten man.

"So, the next President. What do you think? Republican or Democrat?" The boss says to his new aide. "Democrat, sir." She replies. "For what reason?" The boss looking man questions. "They're just so funny, sir?" She says. It's supposed to seem like a statement but quickly sounds like a question. The boss stops. "What is your name?" He asks.
"Goddard, sir. Diana Goddard." Goddard replies. "I like you, Diana Goddard. So, where's the English kid?" The boss says.

"Sir! Sir! I bought ten more artefacts at auction, Mister Van Statten." A young-looking man with a British accent says rather excitedly.
"Bring 'em on, let me see 'em." The boss says now identified as Van Statten says. "Sir, with respect, there's something more urgent. We arrested two intruders fifty-three floors down. We don't know how they got in." Goddard points out with urgency. "I'll tell you how they got in. In-tru-da window. In-tru-da window. That was funny!" Van Statten jokes and everyone obediently laughs out of fear.

"Bring 'em in. Let's see 'em. And tell Simmons I want to visit my little pets. Get to it!" He tells the young woman to his side. As he leaves through a hallway, she steps aside to talk to someone on her headset. "Simmons? You'd better give me good news. Is it talking?"

In a separate area of the facility a man, presumably Simmons, replies. "Not exactly talking, no."
"Then what's it doing?" Goddard asks.
"Screaming. Is that any good?" Simmons asks Goddard. "What about the other one. The girl, what about her?" Goddard asks warily.
"Sleeping at the moment was mumbling earlier couldn't hear what she was saying properly either. Do you want me to wake her?" Simmons asks with a disgusting smirk on his face. "You better, he wants to come see them."

"No problem. Consider it done." Simmons says cutting off the communications quickly. He looks at the young girl with a demented look in his eye and a sick look on his face as he approaches her.
"Wakey wakey princess, time to get up now."

In an office the British kid is showing his boss the latest purchases. "And this is the last. Paid eight hundred thousand dollars for it."
The Doctor, Rose and Goddard enter as he is showing him some kind of metal thing. "What does it do?" Van Statten asks. "Well, you see the tubes on the side? It must be to channel something. I think maybe fuel." The kid says, guessing at its use. "I really wouldn't hold it like that." The Doctor interjects.
"Shut it." Goddard snaps.
"Really, though, that's wrong." The Doctor says lightly. "Is it dangerous?" The kid asks scared.
"No, it just looks silly." The Doctor chuckles as he reaches for the item, and firing bolts clicking can be heard all around him. Van Stratton hands him the curved, palm-sized object.
"You just need to be...Delicate." The Doctor strokes the artefact and it makes a note. He plays several different notes making a pleasant tune.
He was still trying to distract himself from the pulling sensation on his mind that he could feel. Giving in slightly he focused on it, it felt not only like a timelord but a young one, almost like a child. He could feel this bond trying to form, a parental bond something he hadn't ever thought he'd feel again. He hoped it was what he thought it was but also hoped they were okay. He was waiting for confirmation before he let himself get too excited because if it wasn't that it would break his hearts further.

"It's a musical instrument." Van Statten realises. "And it's a long way from home." The Doctor chimes in.
"Here, let me." Van Statten says grabbing it harshly making horrible harsh notes to come out. "I did say delicate. It reacts to the smallest fingerprint. It needs precision." The Doctor points out, causing Van Statten to change his ways and finally get the hang of it.
"Very good. Quite the expert." The Doctor says. "As are you." Van Statton says as he casually tosses it aside, onto the floor. "Who exactly are you?" The arrogant man asks.
"I'm the Doctor. And who are you?"
"Like you don't know. We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extraterrestrial artefacts in the world, and you just stumbled in by mistake." He says to The Doctor
"Pretty much sums me up, yeah." He replies honestly.

"The question is, how did you get in? Fifty-three floors down, with your little cat burglar accomplice. You're quite a collector yourself, she's rather pretty." Van Statten says eyeing Rose up and down.
"She's going to smack you if you keep calling her she." Rose finally says, getting irritated at the annoying American.

"She's English too! Hey, little Lord Fauntleroy. Got you a girlfriend." Van Statten says to the kid behind him.
"This is Mister Henry Van Statten." A British guy answers for his boss.
"And who's he when he's at home?" Rose replies not even slightly impressed. "Mister Van Statten owns the internet."
"Don't be stupid. No one owns the internet." Rose says.
"And let's just keep the whole world thinking that way, right kids?" Van Statten says with a humourless chuckle.
"So you're just about an expert in everything except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up." The Doctor points out.
"And you claim greater knowledge?" Van Statten argues defensively.
"I don't need to make claims, I know how good I am." The Doctor says, his ego getting the better of him.
"And yet, I captured you. Right next to the Cage. What were you doing down there?" The man questions wanting to know what was going on. "You tell me." The Doctor says not caring to explain himself.
"The cage contains my two living specimens." Van Statten stars proudly. The Doctor hears this and internally perks up, hoping for at least one to be like him causing him to ask "And what are they?"
"Like you don't know."
"Show me." The Doctor demands.
"You want to see them?"
"Blimey, you can smell the testosterone." Rose jokes not knowing why the Doctor is so insistent on seeing them. She doesn't know that one may be like him, that he may not be the last one.
"Goddard, inform the Cage we're heading down. You, English. Look after the girl. Go and canoodle or spoon or whatever it is you British do. And you, Doctor with no name, come and see my pets." Van Stattem says pointedly.

(A/N I do not own doctor who I only own my character and any parts of the story that do not fall in like who the show)

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