Bad wolf part two

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"Are you insane? You just step right into the disintegrator? Is it that important, getting your face on the telly? Is it worth dying for?" The Doctor asks them.
"You're talking like we've got a choice!" Lynda says to him her voice full of emotion.
"But I thought you had to apply." Ky softly says, bringing the attention to her. The other two had somewhat forgot she was here she had been so quiet.
"Don't be so stupid. That's how they played it centuries back." The man, she still no idea of his name,  says.
"You get chosen whether you like it or not. Everyone on Earth is a potential contestant. The transmat beam picks you out at random. And it's non stop. There are sixty Big Brother houses running all at once." Lynda tells the girl.
"How many? Sixty?" The pair say.
"They've had to cut back. It's not what it was." The man points out.
"It's a charnel house! What about the winners? What do they get?" The Doctor says. He can't think why anyone would want to watch this.
"They get to live."
"Is that it?" Ky asks them.
"Well, isn't that enough?"
"Rose is out there. And Jack. They got caught in the transmat. They're  contestants. Time we got out. That other contestant, er, Linda with an I. She was forcibly evicted for what?" Ky said to Lynda.
"Damage to property." Is all she tells them.
"What, like this?" The Doctor says taking out his sonic screwdriver. Ky looks up at him and gives him the puppy dog look. Damn it, he thinks he lowers the screwdriver and nods to her. She smirks at him then at the others and raises a hand.
The two contestants look at her curiously.
"Now this is how you damage property. You may want to cover your faces, it gets a little messy" Ky says as she closed her fist quickly. The camera shatters and the humans jaws drop. The Doctor smiles at her shaking his head.
"Kyraiah, The Doctor, you've both broken the House Rules. Big Brother has no choice but to evict you. You have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're going to get you!" The voice tells them.
"That's more like it. Come on, then. Open up!" The Doctor says taking ahold of Kyraiahs hand.
"You're mad! It's like you want to die." Lynda tells the pair.
"I reckon they're plants. They were only brought in to stir things up." The man says by the sofa.
"Kyraiah, The Doctor, please leave the Big Brother house." The voice tells them.
The Doctor runs into the white corridor dragging Ky behind him.
"Come on then, disintegrate us! Come on, what're you waiting for?" The Doctor yells at the camera.
"They are, they're mad. They're bonkers." Lynda says to no one in particular.
"Disintegrate us. What are you waiting for?" Ky said to the camera, a gleam in her eye knowing it's not going to happen.

"Eviction in five, four, three, two, one." The voice says before the machine shuts down.
"Ah, ha! I knew it! You see, someone brought us into this game. If they'd wanted us dead, they could've transmatted us into a volcano." The Doctor tells Lynda.
"They want us alive." Ky tells her.
"Maybe security isn't as tight this end. Are you following this? We're getting out!" The Doctor says up to the camera again.

The Doctor opens the white door. Lynda opens the other door.
"Come with us." Ky tells her holding out a hand for her to take.
"We're not allowed!" The man inside shouts.
"Stay in there, you've got a fifty fifty chance of disintegration. Stay with us, I promise I'll get you out alive. Come on!" The Doctor says to her.
"No, I can't. I can't." Protests Lynda.
"Lynda, you're sweet. From what I've seen of your world, do you think anyone votes for sweet?" Ky tells her. Lynda grabs hold of the girls hand and all three run out. They run out to some where the pair had been before.

"Hold on. We've been here before. This is Satellite Five. No guards. That makes a change. You'd think a big business like Satellite Five would be armed to the teeth." The Doctor says, thinking out loud.
The Doctor opens another door and they go through.
"No one's called it Satellite Five in ages. It's the Game Station now. Hasn't been Satellite Five in about a hundred years." Lynda tells him.
"A hundred years exactly. It's the year two zero zero one zero zero. We were here before, Floor one three nine. The Satellite was broadcasting news channels back then. Had a bit of trouble upstairs. Nothing too serious. Easy. Gave them a hand, home in time for tea." The Doctor tells Lynda.
"A hundred years ago? What, you two were here a hundred years ago?" Lynda asks them, looking at there faces.
"Yep!" The both say.
"You're looking good on it." She says to the pair.
"I moisturise. Funny sorts of readings. All kinds of energy. The place is humming. It's weird. This goes way beyond normal transmissions. What would they need all that power for?" The Doctor says looking at a his screwdriver.
"I don't know. I think we're the first ever contestants to get outside." Lynda tells them.
"We had two friends travelling with us. They must've got caught in the same transmat. Where would they be?" Ky asks Lynda over her shoulder. She had been looking around slightly away from the pair, they were doing this weird flirting and like always it made her uncomfortable.
"I don't know. They could've been allocated anywhere. There's a hundred different games." Lynda tells them. "Not good." Ky thinks to the Doctor he doesn't reply only nods his head to show he heard her and agrees. He starts to scan every door he can. Going down them one by one.
"Like what?" The Doctor asks.
"Well, there's ten floors of Big Brother. There's a different House behind each of those doors. And then beyond that, there's all sorts of shows. It's non stop. There's Call My Bluff, with real guns. Countdown, where you've got thirty seconds to stop the bomb going off. Ground Force, which is a nasty one. You get turned into compost. Er, Wipeout, speaks for itself. Oh, and Stars In Their Eyes. Literally, stars in their eyes. If you don't sing, you get blinded." Lynda tells them listing off all the games she can think of.
"And you watch this stuff?" Ky asks her.
"Everyone does. How come you don't?" Lynda asks the puzzles pair.
"Never paid for my licence." The Doctor jokes.
"Oh, my God! You get executed for that." Lynda gasps out.
"Let them try." Ky told her.
"You two keep saying things that don't make sense. Who are you though, Kyraiah, Doctor, really?" She asks the pair.
"It doesn't matter." The Doctor tells her.
"Well, it does to me. I've just put my life in your hands." She says to them.
"Were just travellers, wandering past. Believe it or not, all he's after is a quiet life." Ky tells her as the Doctor continues to scan doors.
"So, if we get out of here, what're you two going to do? Just wander off again?" Lynda asks them.
"Fast as we can." The Doctor tells her.
"So, I could come with you?" Lynda asks them both. Even though she was flirting with the Doctor, Lynda always made an effort to talk to Ky as well. That wasn't something everybody did.
"Maybe you could." Ky smiles at her.
"I wouldn't get in the way." She assured them both.
"I wouldn't mind if you did. Not a bad idea, Lynda with a Y. But first of all, we've got to concentrate on the getting out. And to do that, you've got to know your enemy. Who's controlling it? Who's in charge of the satellite now?" The Doctor says to her.
"Hold on." Lynda says as she spots a light breaker and turns it on. A sign lights up - Bad Wolf Corporation.
"Your lords and masters." The pair of time travellers just stand and stare at it.

(A/n this book is coming to an end in about 5 chapters. This makes me very sad but also every happy that I've gotten this far..... I've started writing a few chapters for my next book to follow Kyraiah on her journey and would love to know if you guys want to read it..... hopefully you guys will.)

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