Filler out cold (Fathers day)

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(A/n this is my chapter instead of writing the Father's Day episode because I can't find a way to work Kyraiah in and I also don't really like this episode that much. Also thank you sooooo much for 650 reads)

After the Tardis was safely in the time vortex, Rose looked at the Doctor. "Is she okay? What happened, because, like, she screamed and everything just went mental. Did she do that? Is that why she passed out?"
The Doctor looked at the blonde and saw her worried expression. "Yeah, she's fine. She just passed out. Yes Rose, she did all that. She's special, very special. When Timelords are kids they go through this trial, kind of thing. It's a hole in the fabric of reality. Usually kids run away. I did, I ran. Some kids go mad though, and some become inspired. But very rarely they become like Ky. They get abilities or powers. You've seen her use them before. You said the door to here Cage was blown off. That was her. You said some invisible force threw you under that bulkhead in the museum. That was her too. They didn't take too much power so she was fine. But this time she used so much power, that she hasn't used in a long time that she passed out. She's just running low on energy so to speak."
Rose smiles at this. Her friend was like a superhero.
The Doctor looked at Rose curiously and asked what was on his mind. "Rose, you and her, your already so close. You've become good friends already and you've known her what, barely, two days?"
Rose smiles brighter at this. "Yeah I guess we have become close quickly. She's my best friend to be honest and she's already told me I'm hers. She amazing. We've got this bond now, I guess running together in life or death situations together can do that to people."
"How about you Doctor?" Rose asks him. "You've got a bond, right? She was kinda explaining it this morning. That even though she's, like, 153 she's still classed as a kid. And because she has no parents, so that bond has formed with you, right? How does that feel? You've got a daughter now?"
The Doctor smiles softly at Rose. "It's fantastic! I had kids before but they're all gone now. But to be able to try being a parent again is amazing. As the bond gets stronger we should be able to telepathically communicate. Technically if she's had the bond before, it should have shifted and became an instant thing. But her parents died before she even started to properly develop the bond. She said she wasn't even 5 when there died. So now we've got a bond in its infancy. I don't mind it means we get to strengthen the bond together."
"That's great Doctor. Raiah said I could pick the next adventure. So I have and idea." Rose goes on to tell the doctor what her mum used to say about her dad. "So I was thinking, could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?"
"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" The Doctor asks.
"Just watching you and Raiah interact got me thinking, that's all. It's all right then though, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of times or something, then never mind, just leave it." Rose says disheartened.
"No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you." The Doctor explains.
"I want to see him."
"Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for."


After they got back to the Tardis , after everything that happened, they were happy to see Kyraiah sat on the jump seat waiting for them.
"Did you go on an adventure without me?" She asks narrowing her eyes at them. The two look at each other in panic and try to explain the events of the day over each other.
Kyraiah just lets out a massive melodic belly laugh, that made the two want to smile but the two stop confused. "Did you think I was worried. Oh, you should have seen your faces. Brilliant. Come on you two. Kitchen. Dinner time."
The Doctor and Rose looked at each other and chuckled, racing after the redhead.
That evening they shared a laugh and ate there dinner as is it's what they've always done, since the beginning of time it's self.

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