Filler 20 questions

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After the dancing, Ky decides to take Jack to find him a room. She leaves Rose and the Doctor alone to continue dancing and flirting, as much as she love the two of them it makes her a little uncomfortable. More with the Doctor flirting, he is legally her dad after all, than Rose.

"So, Jack here's your room, if you need anything that one there" she points to the room opposite his "is mine." She smiles at him and goes to leave.
He smiles at her and decides he wants to know more about all of them, so why not start with her.
"Actually I think I want to get to know you better... how about 20 questions." He says softly smiling at the girl.
"Alright then, meet me out here in five minutes and we can go sit in the kitchen and play 20 questions whilst I cook."

When they are both finished in their rooms, they walk towards the kitchen.
"Right you go first Jack. Ask away." Ky said looking at Jack.
"Right. Where are you from?" Jack asked the redhead.
Ky looked at him. "Gallifrey. Oh it was beautiful there. Can't see it now though. It's gone has been for a long time" she said looking in front of her as if she could see it. Jack couldn't believe it he had heard stories of the place but most believed the to be a myth. But it couldn't have been, here standing next to him was someone who claimed that was her home planet.
Slowly she shook her head and turned to look at him.
"What about you Jack, where are you from? Because I can guarantee your not from Earth." He looked at her and laughed.
"Yeah not from Earth. But you probably haven't heard of it before. The Boeshane Peninsula. That's me. I had a nickname, you know, after I got into the Time Agency. It was so uncommon that someone from there became a Time Agent, they called me The Face of Boe." He told her with a smile.. He was right she hadn't heard of it but she would find out all about it.
"You're right I haven't. But I'll look it up. The Face of Boe, catchy." She said making both of them laugh.
Jack looked at her and wondered how to ask his next question.
"Not to sound rude but I've heard stories about your people. The say they can live for centuries. How old are you?" He ask quietly, it was a strange tone of voice for him. Shy. That wasn't very Jack but then again even he knew you don't ask a lady her age.
"153. And you're right we can. Look at the Doctor for example, oh he's a Timelord to by the way, he's in his 900's, wouldn't think it. Unless he's got his grumpy pants on that is." She told the man beside her as the walked into the kitchen. Jack hasn't realised where they were going he was just walking, talking and laughing with Kyraiah. But that last sentence of hers got to him. He let out a huge bellowing laugh that she soon followed with her quieter melodic one.
"Where's your favourite place you've been for a con?" She asked him. He grinned. "I had my alarm set but Pompeii. Beautiful it was, right up until the volcano erupted.
That one was easy. Okay the how did you meet those two in there?" He asked her pouting his thumb over his shoulder behind him.
Ky looked down, even though her back was facing him whilst she prepared some vegetables. "Long story really. I was being held in this museum, right? Full of alien tech and bits of aliens. I crash landed just outside, fell right out of the sky. They dragged me in there. And because I wasn't human they locked me up, in this room the called the cage with this other alien. Stuff of nightmares that thing was. And that's where I stayed for three years. Until the Doctor picked up the signal from the other thing. Finds out about me. Other thing gets out. Lots of running from said thing. Then we got out and the I asked Rose and  the Doctor if I could stay with them. The both agreed, went on a couple adventures with them and here we are." She half told him. Never mentioning the Dalek or what Van Statten did to her. Jack knew there was more to it but wasn't going to push her.
She turned to him after she had put some things he couldn't see in to a pan. "Right then 'Jack' what's your real name?" Jack gave her a look. "No don't look at me like that mister. I'm not stupid. Your a conman, Jack is not your real name. What is it, go on I won't tell the others. Promise." She said to him. She was right she wasn't stupid. She looked at him again and sighed, she put up her pinky finger. Jack new what she was doing and locked his with hers. Leaning in he whispered. "My name is Javic Piotr Thane. But don't tell any one that. You can't call me that unless we're alone."
She nodded, she didn't think he'd actually do it, so she leant up and kissed his check to show she meant it. This made them both laugh as they stepped apart.
Sure they flirted back and forth but that's all it would ever really be neither them wanting to ruin the close friendship they were already developing. Or so she thought.
Once the laughter had died down, Jack looked at her again. "So those two have a strange relationship..." she nodded agreeing with that "...but you have some kind of relationship to the both of them, what's that then?" He truly was intrigued. The girls were close. Sisters almost but not quite. Her and the Doctor was another matter.
"Well Rose is my best friend, it happened almost instantly. I guess running for your life together can do that to people. We tell each other everything to be fair. Apart from what we promised other people we won't tell obviously. But the Doctor is different. On Gallifrey, I would still be classed as a child. We are children till about the age of 200 or something silly. But I never had parents really. Died before I was 5. Stuck in a home for other kids like me. Some kids get chosen by other families. I didn't. Then in school, it was discovered I was special, I could do things that other children couldn't, so i was pulled out of the home at aged 8. Then 145 years later the Doctor finds me and this bond forms. A parental bond it's called. Between parent and child. It's natural between biological families but me and the Doctor had to accept it. So if we were on Gallifrey, in the eyes of the law he would now be my father. It's kind of like, um think mental adoption I guess. So that's why he gets so protective some times I guess."
What she told jack shocked him yet it didn't. The way the Doctor acted towards her was just like a father would but the bit about her home did.
They continued the game whilst Kyraiah finished the food filling the kitchen with talking and laughter.
When she was nearly ready to serve, she asked the Tardis to alert the Doctor and Rose, just she had every night she was here so far.
By the time the other pair had turned up, Ky had dished to the spaghetti bolognese into four bowls and the two were both trying to eat in between fits of laughter.
The Doctor and Rose were both happy and confused as to what was going on but didn't say anything as they sat down to eat.
All four sat eating and talking with the occasional laugh, enjoying the calm.

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