Bad wolf part three

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The three make it to an observation deck. The Doctor and Kyraiah look at the earth and frown. It was wrong, it was all wrong. It should be beautiful and flourishing. But it was completely the opposite.
"Blimey! I've never seen it for real before. Not from orbit. Planet Earth." Lynda says, amazed at the view.
"What's happened to it?" The Doctor asks Lynda.
"Well, it's always been like that Ever since I was born. See that there? That's the Great Atlantic Smog Storm. It's been going twenty years. We get newsflashes telling us when it's safe to breath outside." Lynda tells them, oblivious to the two Timelords sadness.
"So the population just sits there? Half the world's too fat, and half the world's too thin, and you lot just watch telly?" Ky asks. Looking down on the Earth, the sadness and pain build inside her like a tornado waiting strike. Whirling around her whole being. They fixed this before, so what happened. Was it them? Was it her? She remembers what she did when she was last here.
"Ten thousand channels, all beaming down from here."
"The Human Race. Brainless sheep being fed on a diet of. Mind you, have they still got that programme where three people have to live with a bear?" The Doctor asks as he turns to her.
"Oh, Bear With Me. I love that one!"
"And me. The celebrity edition where the bear got in the bath."
"Got in the bath!" Lynda repeats.
"But it's all gone wrong. I mean, history's gone wrong again. This should be the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. I don't understand. Last time we was here we put it right." The Doctor says to her, trying to figure what went wrong between then and now.
"No, but that's when it first went wrong. A hundred years ago, like you said. All the news channels, they just shut down overnight." Lynda tells him. The Doctor turns back to the window his hearts breaking. "But that was me. I did that."
Ky whimpers. The Doctor turns to look at her and sees the tears falling rapidly from her eyes, he body shaking, overflowing with emotions. "No Doctor. It's wasn't you. It was me. I, I, I did this. I blew up the systems. I ruined Earth. I'm still what they made me. I thought..." Kyraiah tells him unable to finish her sentence. He grabs her by shoulders, looks her in the eyes and shakes his head. The tears kept flowing, never ending, so he did the one thing that would help. He hugged her. He held her and held her tight and sobs racked the young girls body. He could feel the emotions projection to him they were that strong and it shook him to his core. But all those emotions within her weren't  a good thing. Her powers were unpredictable like this. She was unpredictable like this.
Observing the scene between the two, she herself wanted to cry but she didn't instead she carried on explaining what happened. "There was nothing left in their place. No information. The whole planet just froze. The government, the economy, they collapsed. That was the start of it. One hundred years of hell."
"Oh, my. I made this world." Ky cries into her fathers chest. That was something she had realised recently, she truly saw him as her dad now. She had to fight the urge to call him that all the time. Never knowing whether he would be okay with it.
"Hey, handsome. Good to see you? Any sign of Rose?" Jacks voice said from around the corner.
"Can't you track her down?" The Doctor asked still holding the weeping girl. Not wanting to let go, he just looked up as Jack came round the corner and shook his head when Jack looked this way.
"She must still be inside the games. All the rooms are shielded." Jack tells him still worriedly looking at his best friend.
"If I can just get inside this computer. She's got to be here somewhere." The Doctor says. He looks down at the girl and she nods, letting go of his leather jacket.
The Doctor works on the console Adam used a century before. Jack walks over to the redhead girl and puts an arm around her. Holding onto her, so she knows she's not alone.
"Well, you'd better hurry up. These games don't have a happy ending." Jack tells him.
"Do you think I don't know that?" The Doctor snaps at Jack.
Jack hands over his wrist computer. "There you go, patch that in. It's programmed to find her."
"Thanks." Ky lets go of Jack to go help the Doctor. She wants to find Rose now. She wants to find the Tardis and get away from here.
"Hey, there." Jack says turning the other woman in the room. From here on out Ky can hear the words but again she is to focused to really pay attention. They sort of just act like white noise.
"Captain Jack Harkness."
"Lynda Moss."
"Nice to meet you, Lynda Moss." If she was paying attention she probably would have smirked at this. But right now she's couldn't care what was going on around her. The emotions inside her were reaching levels they hadn't since the war.
"Do you mind flirting outside?" The Doctor said to Jack sparing him a glance. But before he could look back to what he was doing her saw his daughter out the corner of his eye. Her whole body shook. Waves of what looked like shimmering water were forming around her but she kept working.
"I was just saying hello!"
"For you, that's flirting."
"I'm not complaining."
"Muchas gracias."
"It's not compatible. This stupid system doesn't make sense." The Doctor said. He turns to give Lynda the computer to kick the front panel when it's ripped of in front of him and goes flying across the room. Him and Jack look at the redhead worried and slightly scared of her wellbeing. She looks like shes almost glowing silver now.
"This place should be a basic broadcaster, but the systems are twice as complicated. It's more than just television. This station's transmitting something else." The Doctor says.
"Like what?" Jack asks.
"I don't know. This whole Bad Wolf thing's tied up with me." The Doctor says.
"Someone's manipulated my entire life. It's some sort of trap and Rose is stuck inside it." This makes the girl work faster than she ever has before. "Found her. Floor four oh seven." Ky says, her voice seems to have a darker edge to it now.
"Oh, my God, she's with the Anne Droid. You've got to get her out of there." Lynda says. At hearing this, Kyraiah rises to her feet and runs off faster than she's ever ran before, Jack and the Doctor realise it must be something to do with her powers building so much making her some kind of super soldier. Just how the Timelords made her all those years ago. The other three try hard to keep up with her. But by the time they get to the lift it's gone, with their emotional and very powerful girl with it.
"Come on, come on.!" Ky says. She gets out and let's it go back down for the others.

"Rodrick, in physics, who discovered the Fifteen Dash Ten Barric Fields?" She can hear a droid saying as the girl legs down the hall. Everything is increased when she's in this state.
"Game Room Six, which one is it??" She heard the Doctor say from down the hall.
"Over here!"
"San Hazeldine."
"No. the correct answer is San Chen."
"Stand back, let me blast it open."
"You can't. it's made of Hydra combination."
"But I'm not meant to be here. I need to find the Doctor or Raiah, they've got to be here somewhere they're always here! They wouldn't just leave me!" She hears rose cry from a room next to her. That's all she need, placing her hand on the door, the others get to her as they see it start to crack. They just watch, it shouldn't be able to do that but there it is cracking under her pressure of her power. "Everybody get down." Ky says darkly. The trio behind her obey, the darkness in her voice enough to do as she says no questions asked. The door explodes inward. The pieces still flying around as she walks through. Flying around the girl as if magnetised.
"Rodrick, you are the strongest link, you will be transported home with one thousand six hundred credits."
"Oh, thank you, thank you so much."
"This game is illegal. I'm telling you to stop!"
"Rose! Stop this game!" Ky shouts
"Rose, you leave this life with nothing." The droid says. The other three emerge behind her.
"Stop this game!" Jack shouts.
"I order you to stop this game!" The Doctor shouts just as loudly.
"You are the weakest link."
"Look out for the Anne Droid, it's armed!" Rose shouts. The Anne Droid shoots at Rose but she is levitated into the air and to the Doctor as she runs to the Doctor. Instead the beam hits Kyraiah. She screams and everybody is sent flying to the ground as a shockwave of power shudders through the air when she's hit. There is just a pile of dust left on the floor.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Jack screams for his best friend. Everything else happens in the background as the Doctor and Rose kneel over Kyraiah remains.
"Back off!" Jack shouts at the staff. He struggling to get to the pile of ashes next to his two friends.
"I need security and I need it here right now! It's this lot"
"Don't you touch them! Leave them alone!" He shouts as two guards make their way to the pair on the floor.
One security guard takes the Doctor's arm the other taking Rose's.
"Sir, put down the gun or I'll have to shoot." A guard says to Jack.
"You killed her! Your stupid freaking game show killed her. You killed my best friend." Jack shouts at the guards
"Sir, I'm arresting you under Private Legislation Sixteen of the Game Station Syndicate." Another says to the four.
The rest of his word fade into the background for both the Doctor and Rose. Both mourning the loss of a friend. Yet again the Doctors emotions cloud his head and hearts so much that he can't feel the bond, that is still there.

There is a familiar rhythmic hum going on when Kyraiah wakes up on a spaceship. Something approaches, looking at her through a round lens.
"No, it can't be. You're dead. Your all dead, I know you are." Ky says when the thing approaches her.
A sink plunger blocks her way. Daleks.

Suddenly a pale women appears next to her. "Oh, my masters, you can kill me, for I have brought your destruction." So she gets Exterminated with a big smile on her face.

"Alert. Alert. We are detected." A Dalek says.
"It is the Doctor. He has located us. Open communications channel." Another Dalek says back.
"The female will stand. Stand!"
A holo-viewscreen pops into view with Floor 500 on it.
"I will talk to the Doctor."
"Oh, will you? That's nice. Hello!" The Doctor say on the screen.
"The Dalek stratagem nears completion. The fleet is almost ready. You will not intervene."
"Oh, really? Why's that, then?" He asks them.
"We have your associate. You will obey or she will be exterminated."
"No." Came the Doctors reply.
Ky can see everybody look at the Doctor.
"Explain yourself."
"I said no."
"What is the meaning of this negative?"
"It means no."
"But she will be destroyed."
"Because this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to rescue her. I'm going to save Kyraiah from the middle of the Dalek fleet and then I'm going to save the Earth, and then, just to finish off, I'm going to wipe every last stinking Dalek out of the sky!" The Doctor explains to the Daleks.
"But you have no weapons, no defences, no plan." A Daley says. "Yeah. And doesn't that scare you to death. Ky?" The Doctor states then turns to look at his daughter.
"Yes, Doctor?"
"I'm coming to get you."
Transmission ends, courtesy of the sonic screwdriver.
"The Doctor is initiating hostile action."
"The stratagem must advance. Begin the invasion of Earth!"
"The Doctor will be exterminated!"
"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

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