Filler new home

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When Ky stepped in the Tardis, she instantly fell in love with her.
Beautiful wasn't good enough to describe the magnificent machine. She walked around her fingers trailing the console and walls loving the feeling she had from her under her fingers.
The Doctor and Rose both watched with wide smiles, both completely ignoring the brunet behind them. It wasn't till he fainted did they remember he was there. All three of them turned around. The two Timelords chucking at him and leaving rose looking embarrassed by the boy.
After a while rose took Adam to find him a room. The Doctor sat down to speak to Ky, wanting to know more about her.
"Ky, I know a little about you. I know what you can do. I know what they did to you back home. But I would like to know more about you, is that okay?" The doctor asked quietly.
"Of course, go ahead. I'll answer pretty much anything." She said honestly.
"How old are you. I know you must still be very young because after I felt your presence. A sort of bond formed. A parental bond. So I know u must be under at least 200. And I hope you don't mind but I accepted the bond. I don't want to replace your parents and you don't have to call me dad but I will protect you like your my own daughter now."
Ky smiles at him warmly. "153 I think, I was 150 when I fell and was there for 3 years roughly so yeah 153. I don't mind, I felt the bond too. I'm glad you accepted it. You won't be replacing anyone I can remember anyway. They died before I turned 5 so I never had that bond develop properly. I was taken to a house for children like me. And even if I don't call you dad, over time I'll see you as a father. Thank you for rescuing me."

The Doctor smiles sadly at what he heard but also wondered what she meant. "You said fell, what do you mean. Are you still on your first regeneration? What else can you tell me?"
Ky looked down and the Doctor knew that look. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, encouraging her and also showing he was there for her. "Well you must know where I was sent. I was set to protect The Untempered schism. I was able to do that for awhile but eventually they came in large numbers and I couldn't stop them. A Dalek shot me and I fell backward in to the Vortex. Regenerating as I fell it was painful. The Dalek that's got me fell too because he tried to chase me. He landed first somehow landing as I believe it 47 years before I did. It was the same one from the museum. But when I finally landed I was screaming. It took a while for the process to complete but when it did I was surrounded by armed guards and Van Statten was there. I landed just outside his museum actually. I was in there for 3 years. I listened to them torture that Dalek for 3 years and as much as I wanted to hate it I began to pity it in the end. And no this is my second regeneration."
"Do you know how to fly a Tardis Ky?"
Silent tears made their way down her pale but dirty face. Looking up she looked at the Doctor, smiled and said "Yeah I learnt, passed too first time. Is it okay if I take a shower and go to sleep? I haven't slept in a proper bed in years." The Doctor smiles slightly at the young girl and nodded. He showed her to her room and where she could shower.

He left her to her business and walked back to the console room a sad smile on his face as thought of her.


The next morning, when Ky went to get dressed there was a knock at her door. "Come in." She called to the visitor.
Roses blonde head appeared in front of her. "Hey you, wanted to know if you wanted any help choosing some clothes?"
"Definitely." Ky responded. "What do you recommend I wear?" She asked looking at her wardrobe. The girls laughed and joked as they got ready.
"Raiah, you know what i think. I think me and you are going to be the best of friends." Rose said to the redhead.
"I think so too." She replied honestly.

After an half an hour of messing about in Ky's room and half an hour making a mess in the kitchen the girls went to the console room, arms linked, to ask the Doctor something.

"Doctor..." Ky started with that puppy dog look on her face again. "...can we go on an adventure please. I want to go to the future and Rose wants to impress Adam." She said. The Doctor chuckled and realised she already knew that that face could get her what ever she wanted, whilst at the same time Rose was realising the same thing and smiled till she caught on what the red head said at the end and lightly smacked the girls arm not linked with hers.

The Doctor quickly agreed and told the girls to go and get Adam whilst he flew the Tardis. Ky shouted down the hallway to him that he left the brakes on and he laughed at that. Telling her that was the fun bit.

(A/n already very ahead on this book ready for when I go back to work. Love writing Kys story love where it's heading already.)

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