The doctor dances part four

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"Why don't they attack?" Jack asks the Doctor.
"Good little soldiers, waiting for their commander." The Doctor responds whilst using his hand to reach back and grab Kyraiah's hand. The parental instinct kicking in.
"The child?" Jack asks no one in particular
"Jamie." Nancy tells him.
Jack looks at Nancy confused. "What?"
She just stares back at him. "Not the child. Jamie."
"So how long until the bomb falls?" Rose asks Jack.
"Any second."
"What's the matter, Captain? A bit close to the volcano for you?"

"He's just a little boy." The brunette says.
"I know." The Doctor replies.
"He's just a little boy who wants his mummy." Nancy tells them.
"I know. There isn't a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy. And this little boy can." The Doctor says back.
"So what're we going to do?" Rose asks him.
"I don't know." He tells her, this stuns Rose slightly, he always has a plan or a thing.
"It's my fault." Nancy says to them.
"No." The Doctor tells her, not quite getting what she means but it starts to click for Ky.
"It is. It's all my fault." Nancy insists.
"How can it be your..." the Doctor says but is cut off by the gas mask people.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."
"Nancy, what age are you? Twenty? Twenty one? Older than you look, yes?" Kyraiah asks her.
The bombs get closer.
"Doctor, that bomb. We've got seconds." Jack interrupts her, warning the Doctor about the bomb.
"You can teleport us out." Rose says hopefully.
"Not you guys. The nav-com's back online. Going to take too long to override the protocols." Jack says crushing the hope in Roses eyes.
"So it's volcano day. Do what you've got to do. Carry on Kyraiah what were you saying." The Doctor tells jack then turns to the redhead.
"Jack?" Rose mumbles to herself as Jack vanishes.
"How old were you five years ago? Fifteen? Sixteen? Old enough to give birth, anyway. He's not your brother, is he? A teenage single mother in 1941. So you hid. You lied. You even lied to him." Kyraiah carries on as the bomb site gate opens and Jamie stands there.
"Are you my mummy?"
"He's going to keep asking, Nancy. He's never going to stop." Ky tells her.
"Tell him. Nancy, the future of the human race is in your hands. Trust me and tell him." The Doctor says, urging her on. Nancy and Jamie walk towards each other.
"Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy?"
"Yes. Yes, I am your mummy."
"I'm here."
"Are you my mummy?"
"I'm here."
"Are you my mummy?"
"Are you my mummy?"
"He doesn't understand. There's not enough of him left." The Doctor day sadly.
"I am your mummy. I will always be your mummy. I'm so sorry. I am so, so sorry." Nancy says and hugs Jamie and a cloud of nanogenes surround them.
"What's happening? Doctor, it's changing her, we should..." Rose says to the Doctorz
"Shush! Come on, please. Come on, you clever little nanogenes. Figure it out! The mother, she's the mother. It's got to be enough information. Figure it out." Ky says watching as the gold glow surrounding them slowly starts to fade.
"What's happening?" Rose asks the the two, looking at the glowing expressions on their faces.
"See? Recognising the same DNA." The Doctor responds. Jamie lets go and Nancy falls on the ground.
"Oh, come on. Give us a day like this. Give us this one." The Doctor says as him and Ky walk forward.
The Doctor removes Jamie's gas mask.
"Ha-ha! Welcome back! Twenty years till pop music - you're going to love it." The Doctor says as he picks Jaime up and spins him around.
"What happened?" Nancy asks confused.
"The nanogenes recognised the superior information, the parent DNA. They didn't change you because you changed them! Ha-ha! Mother knows best!" The Doctos says still beaming away.
"Oh, Jamie." Nancy's says embracing the boy.
"Doctor, that bomb." Rose says to the Doctor.
"Taken care of it." The Doctor says to the blonde.
"How?" She asks him.
"Psychology." Is all he responds with whilst the redhead shakes her head smiling away to herself. A bomb hurtles towards them, and gets caught in Jack's light beam just before impact. Jack is sitting astride the bomb.
"Doctor!" Jack shouts.
"Good lad!" The Doctor shouts back smiling away still. "The bomb's already commenced detonation. I've put it in stasis but it won't last long." The ex-timeagent tells him.
"Change of plan. Don't need the bomb. Can you get rid of it, safely as you can?" The Doctor asks him, Jack just nods slightly.
"Rose? Rai-Rai?"
"Yeah?" They both say together.
"Goodbye." Is all he says. Having an idea what he means Kyraiah gives him a sad smile and waves whilst Rose just looks at him.
Jack and the bomb vanish then reappears.
"By the way, love the tee-shirt Rose." Rose looks down and smiles to herself as Jack vanishes again. The spaceship sucks up the light beam and flies off. The Doctor summons some nanogenes to himself.
"What are you doing?" Rose asks him.
"Software patch. Going to email the upgrade. You want moves, Rose? I'll give you moves. The Doctor replies as he throws the nanogenes to the waiting patients, who fall to the ground...
"Everybody lives, Rose, Ky. Just this once, everybody lives!"
The patients stand up again, back to normal. The Doctor walks away going over to Doctor Constantine leaving the girls near the spacecraft.

The Doctor goes back over to his girls and stand on top the ambulance. "Right, you lot. Lots to do. Beat the Germans, save the world. Don't forget the welfare state! Setting this to self-destruct, soon as everybody's clear. History says there was an explosion here. Who am I to argue with history?" The Doctor says, the last but to just the two near him.
"Usually the first in line." Rose states as he sets the ambulance to self destruct. All three chuckle at Rose's comment as the walk back to the Tardis.

Once they get back inside the time machine, the Doctor explains what he did to the nanogenes. "The nanogenes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off, because I just told them to. Nancy and Jamie will go to Doctor Constantine for help, ditto. All in all, all things considered, fantastic!"
"Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas." Rose says to the very happy Doctor.
"Who says I'm not, red bicycle when you were twelve?" Doctor says back to her.
"What?" A shocked Rose asks him.
"And everybody lives, Rose! Everybody lives! I need more days like this." He says to Rose. A sad Kyraiah goes over to the jumpseat and looks down.
"Doctor." Rose says looking right at him.
"Go on, ask me anything. I'm on fire." The Doctor tells her, still on a natural high from saving everyone, well nearly everyone.
"What about Jack? Why'd he say goodbye?" Rose asks. The Doctor looks at Rose and then to a teary eyed Ky. She knew why and the Doctor didn't like it. He was going to get rid of that look on her face.

Jacks on his spaceship when he hears Moonlight Serenade playing. Jack looks down the spaceship and through the open doors of the Tardis, where the Doctor and Rose are dancing. Stood by the doors is a smiling Kyraiah.

"Well, hurry up then!" Kyraiah shouts at him. Jack gets up and runs in.
"Okay. And right and turn. Okay, okay, try and spin me again, but this time don't get my arm up my back. No extra points for a half-nelson." Rose tells the Doctor
"I'm sure I used to know this stuff. Close the door, will you? Your ship's about to blow up. There's going to be a draught." The Doctor tells them walking towards the console. Jack shuts the door and the Doctor starts up the engine.

"Welcome to the Tardis." The Doctor tells him.
"Much bigger on the inside." Jack says to the trio.
"You'd better be." The Doctor tells him.
"I think what the Doctor's trying to say is you may cut in." Rose says to Jack.
"Rose! I've just remembered!" The Doctor starts.
The music changes from waltz to swing - Glenn Miller's In The Mood "I can dance! I can dance!" He finishes, smiling away.
"Actually, Doctor, I thought Jack might like this dance." Rose tells the Doctor.
"I'm sure he would, Rose. I'm absolutely certain. But who with?" The Doctor jokes with Rose.
Rose dances with the Doctor while Jack and Ky watch. This style he can do, and Rose loves it when he dips her. Eventually Jack takes Kyraiah's hand and dances with her on the other sidev of the console. All four fill the console room with laughter.

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