The doctor dances part one

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The patients were almost within touching distance when the Doctor tried something. "Go to your room." He shouted.
The patients in the ward just stopped and stood still.
"Go to your room. I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross. Go to your room!" He continued.
The patients all hung their heads in shame and shuffled away, and got back into bed.
"I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words." The Doctor says to the group. He looks down at Kyraiah and smiles, waiting for her to return it. She see this and sends him a tiny little smile.

"Why are they all wearing gas masks?" Kyraiah asks.
"They're not. Those masks are flesh and bone." Jack tells her.
"How was your con supposed to work?" The Doctor asks him turning to face him properly.
"Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck. The perfect self-cleaning con." The con man explains.
"Yeah. Perfect." The Doctor and Ky both say sarcastically.
"The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners. Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day. Getting a hint of disapproval." Jack says when he sees the looks on the two Timelords faces. "Take a look around the room. This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did." The Doctor told him. "It was a burnt-out medical transporter. It was empty."  Jack tried convincing them.
"Rose." Doctor said looking at her.
"Are we getting out of here?" She asked hopefully.
"We're going upstairs." He responded taking off with Ky, her hand still holding his. "I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living. I harmed no-one. I don't know what's happening here, but believe me, I had nothing to do with it." Jack says trying to defend him self again.
"I'll tell you what's happening. You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day." The Doctor tells him as a siren sounds.
"What's that?" Rose asks the group. "The all clear." Jack tells her.
"I wish." Ky spat at him. The two Timelords rush off leaving Jack and Rose alone in the ward.

"Mister Spock? Rai-Rai?" Jack shouts.
"Doctor? Raiah?" Rose shouts almost at the same time.
They run past a staircase. The Doctor is on the next flight up, he pops his head around the stairs to ask Jack a question. "Have you got a blaster?"
"Sure!" Jack says full of enthusiasm. They run up to join him and Ky outside a secure metal door.
"The night your space-junk landed, someone was hurt. This was where they were taken." The Doctor tells Jack. "What happened?" Rose asks him or Kyraiah hoping to get a good answer. Ky looks at her and Jack saying. "Let's find out. Get it open."
"What's wrong with his sonic screwdriver?" She whispered to Kyraiah,
"Nothing." Ky says with a smirk.
Jack's blaster disintegrates the lock.
"Sonic blaster, fifty first century. Weapon Factories of Villengard?" The Doctor asks Jack.
"You've been to the factories?" Jack asks surprised
"Once." The Doctor replies bluntly
Jack looks at him and says, "Well, they gone now, destroyed. The main reactor went critical. Vaporised the lot."
"Like I said. Once. There's a banana grove there, now. I like bananas. Bananas are good." Doctor says with a smile as he entered to room alone, no longer holding Ky's hand.
"Nice blast pattern." Rose says to Jack with a smile. "Digital." Jacks responds to her with a smile back.
"Squareness gun." Ky says looking at him with a smirk. The same smirk she gave him when they were in his ship.
"Yeah." Jack smirks back. Rose just looks between the two and laughs. She's never really seen this side of Kyraiah properly, of course she's seen it a little with Adam but this was a whole new level. "I like it." A still smirking Ky said as she walks in the room. Her strides confident, swinging her hips slightly, no sign of the fear she had not even ten minutes ago. Entering the room she sees filing cabinets, electronic equipment and a big mess. An observation window across the room is broken.
"What do you think?" The doctor asks the group. Ky keeps quiet for a minute.
"Something got out of here." Jack says to the man.
"Yeah. And?" The Doctor says looking at the conman
"Something powerful. Angry." Jack points out.
"Powerful and angry." Ky tells the ex-timeagent. There are child's crayon drawings scattered on the floor and a Steiff teddy bear.
"A child? I suppose this explains Mummy." Jack asks slightly confused.
"How could a child do this?" Rose asks just as confused. The Doctor turns on a tape machine.
"Do you know where you are?" A man asks. Ky and Jack have no idea who it is but Rose and the Doctor seem to.
"Are you my mummy?" The child's voice answers.
"Are you aware of what's around you? Can you see?"
"Are you my mummy?"
"What do you want? Do you know"
"I want my mummy. Are you my mummy? I want my mummy! Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? Mummy? Mummy?"
"Doctor, I've heard this voice before." Ky tells the Doctor, realising its the kid from the roof.
"Us too." The Doctor tells her, meaning him and Rose.
"Always are you my mummy?. Like he doesn't know." Rose points out.
"Why doesn't he know?" Rose asks.
"Are you there, mummy? Mummy?"
"Mummy? Please, mummy? Mummy?"
"Doctor? Raiah?"
"Can you sense it?" Ky asks the group.
"Sense what?" Jack asks, not sure what he's supposed to be sensing.
"Coming out of the walls. Can you feel it?"
"Funny little human brains." Ky starts saying for the Doctor to finish with "How do you get around in those things?"
"When they're stressed, they likes to insult species." Rose says to Jack.
"Rose, we're thinking." The doctor and Ky say in unison.
"He cuts himself shaving or she stubs her toe, they does half an hour on life forms they're cleverer than." Rose carries on to Jack.
"There are these children living rough round the bomb sites. They come out during air-raids looking for food." The Doctor says.
"Mummy, please?"
"Suppose they were there when this thing, whatever it was, landed?" Ky suggested.
"It was a med-ship. It was harmless." Jack points out again not seeing how he's involved in this.
"Yes, you keep saying harmless. Suppose one of them was affected, altered?" The Doctor points out to Jack. "Altered how?" Rose asks.
A clicking can be heard as the tape runs out.
"I'm here!" The child says.
"It's afraid. Terribly afraid and powerful. It doesn't know it yet, but it will do. It's got the power of a god, and I just sent it to it's room." The Doctor says.
"Doctor." Rose says
"I'm here. Can't you see me?"
"What's that noise?" Rose said.
"End of the tape. It ran out about thirty seconds ago." Ky tells her.
"I'm here, now. Can't you see me?"
"I sent it to it's room. This is it's room." The Doctor realises.
The child is there behind them.
"Are you my mummy? Mummy?"
"Doctor? Raiah?" Rose asks scared
"Okay, on my signal make for the door." Jack says.
Jack aims his blaster at the child. Except it is a banana. "Now!" Jack says not realising the switch.
The Doctor goes to pull out Jack's blaster from his belt but it's gone. Kyraiah smirks and pulls it from her pocket and makes a nice square hole in the wall.
"Go now! Don't drop the banana!" Ky shouts, the last bit just to Jack.
"Why not?!" Jack asks her.
"Good source of potassium!" They Doctor answers for her.
"Give me that!" He takes the blaster from Ky.
"Mummy. I want my mummy."
Jack uses his blaster to repair the hole in the wall.
"Digital rewind. Nice switch." He says to the Doctor and to some extent Ky.
"It's from the groves of Villengard. I thought it was appropriate." The Doctor says to him.
"There's really a banana grove in the heart of Villengard and you did that?" Jack says back to him.
"Bananas are good." Is the only answer the Doctor gives him.
The child starts pounding on the wall and it starts to crack.
"Doctor!" Ky and Rose both shout.
"Come on!" He says grabbing both of their hands, running down the hallway. But the patients are coming at them from the other direction.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy." The patients start chanting.
"It's keeping us here till it can get at us." The Doctor points out.
"It's controlling them?" Says a shacked and confused Jack.
"It is them. It's every living thing in this hospital." The Doctor tells him.
"Okay. This can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, and as a triple-enfolded sonic disrupter. Doc, what you got?" Jack says trying to come up with a way out.
"I've got a sonic, er. Oh, never mind." The Doctor says embarrassed.
"What?" Jack asks.
"It's sonic, okay? Let's leave it at that." The Doctor says. The girls start to smile know where this is going.
"Disrupter? Cannon? What?" Jack asks again, wanting to know what assets they have.
"It's sonic! Totally sonic! I am soniced up!" The Doctor says quickly.
"A sonic what?!" Jack shouts.
"Screwdriver!" The Doctor shouts back. The girls by this point can't hold back their giggles and child breaks through the wall.

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