Dalek part four

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After running through the corridors they came to a set of stairs. "Stairs! That's more like it. It hasn't got legs. It's stuck!"
"It's not, trust me, we've got to keep going. Quickly." Kyraiah says if she wasn't so tired after being locked up for three years in that cell, she would have used her abilities to get rid of the Dalek.
"It's coming! Get up!" De Maggio shouts. They run up flight and look down on the Dalek. "Great big alien death machine defeated by a flight of stairs." Adam taunts it. "Honestly, um what your names, don't taunt the Dalek the stairs won't stop it. Come on let's just keep going." "That's Adam, he works here. And I'm Rose."
"Lovely, Rose I like you. Adam shut up and come on. You too, De Maggio, come on it won't stop, come on. Up now!"
"Now listen to me. I demand that you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate then I can guarantee that Mister van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you and maybe that was wrong, but people have died, and that stops right now. The killing stops. Have you got that? I demand that you surrender. Is that clear?" The guard says.
"Elevate." The Dalek responded.
The Dalek glides up the stairs, just like the Timelady said the stairs didn't stop it.
"Oh my God." Rose gasps.
"See what did I say come on up. Up! Now people up!" The redhead says.
"Adam, get them out of here." The brave guard says.
"Come with us. Raiah's right. You can't stop it." Rose says
"Someone's got to try. Now get out! Don't look back. Just run." The guard says. Despite the closing range, de Maggio doesn't hit the eyepiece. She suffers the usual fate.
"Raiah?" The Timelady asks.
"Yeah, you said I can call you any mix of your name, is that okay?" Rose says scared the fiery redhead won't like it.
"Yeah of course. Love it actually. No one has ever called me that. It usually Ky, Rai or Kyrai. That's all. Right less rambling more running, come on."

Back in the office, Van Statten is getting antsy "I thought you were the great expert, Doctor. If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate. There must be something it needs. Everything needs something."
"What's the nearest town?" The Doctor asks.
"Salt Lake City."
"One million."
"All dead. If the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature. That's all it needs." The Doctor tells them.
"But why would it do that?" Van Statten asks, not understanding this creature.
"Because it honestly believes they should die. Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose! The Dalek's surrounded by a force field. The bullets are melting before they even hit home, but it's not indestructible." The Doctor explains. The hatred he has for these creatures coming out in his words.

Elsewhere the Doctor can be overheard over the comms. "If you concentrate your fire, you might get through. Aim for the dome, the head, the eyepiece. That's the weak spot."
In the loading bay a man, clearly a leader of some kind, responds. "Thank you, Doctor, but I think I know how to fight one single tin robot. Positions!" His men take cover behind various corners, packing cases, boxes and up on a catwalk with him. Kyraiah, Rose and Adam run into view.
"Hold your fire! You three, get the hell out of there!"
The trio run past a guard at the entrance. The Dalek enters, turns and zooms in on Rose's face. They get out of the bay.

Outside the loading bay Rose realises something. "It was looking at me."
"Yeah, it wants to slaughter us." Adam says stupidly.
"I know, but it was looking right at me."
"So? It's just a sort of metal eye thing. It's looking all around."
"I don't know. It's like there's something inside, looking at me, like, like it knows me." Rose says, feeling something.
"You're right Rose. It does. You touched it. Your genetic code brought it to life. It does know you. Even though you aren't it, it is now part you. Do you understand? Please tell me you understand what I mean." Ky asks as both humans look at her blankly, clearly not understanding what she meant.
Back in the Loading bay. "On my mark. Open fire!"

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