The parting of ways part four

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Mickey and Rose are back on the Powell Estate. Kyraiah decided to go sit in her room in the Tardis, wanting to be alone.
"There's got to be something else we can do." Mickey says to Rose.
"Mum was right. Maybe we should just lock the door and walk away." Rose tells him.
"I'm not having that. I'm not having you just, just give up now. No way. We just need something stronger than my car. Something bigger. Something like that." Mickeys says seeing a big yellow recovery truck coming round the corner and stops by the Tardis. Jackie was driving.
"Right, you've only got this until six o'clock, so get on with it." Jackie says as she gets out the truck.
"Mum, where the hell did you get that from?" Rose curiously asks her mum.
"Rodrigo. He owes me a favour. Never mind why, but you were right about your dad, sweetheart. He was full of mad ideas, and it's exactly what he would've done. Now, get on with it before I change my mind." Jackie says as she throws the keys to Mickey.

Once again, Jackie watches as Rose and Mickey use a chain to try and pull the Tardis console open. This time though she's also shouting at Mickey.
"Keep going!"
"Put your foot down!
"Give it some more, Mickey!"
"Keep going!"
"Come on, come on!"
"Keep going!"
"Give it some more!"
The console burst open. Rose looks inside and golden energy streams into her eyes.
"Rose!" Mickey shouts as he gets out the truck.
The Tardis doors slam shut on him, and the Tardis dematerialises. Ky hears the doors slam shut and feels her begin to move. A grin spreads across her face. Walking towards the console room, she summons all the power she has. It starts flowing around her in glowing silver tendrils.

Back on floor 500 The Doctor closes his eyes, and then hears the Tardis materialise behind him. He whips round as fast as he can.
"Alert! Tardis materialising!" A Dalek says.
"You will not escape!" The Emperor says to the Doctor on a screen.
The Tardis doors open and the Doctor falls back in shock. Rose walks out first and is silhouetted in a blinding golden light. Kyraiah follows her out shortly after and is also silhouette by a blinding glowing light only hers is silver. Energy tendrils snake outwards in both colours snake outwards swirling around each other as the girls hold hands. The most striking thing is both girls eyes, Roses usual warm brown are gold and Kyraiah usual crystal blue are silver.
"What've you done?" The Doctor shouts at both girls.
"I let my power flow free. They don't control me I control them." Ky tells him her voice with that dark tone to it.
"I looked into the Tardis, and the Tardis looked into me." Rose also tells him her voice low and light. The girls seem to balance each other out
He looks at both girls horrified. "You let all your power free, Ky be careful we don't know what that will do to you. And Rose looked into the Time Vortex. Rose, no one's meant to see that." The Doctor tells them.
"This is the Abomination! And the Weapon."
"Exterminate!" Ky stops the beam with her hand.
"I was the Weapon, I was created to destroy worlds and civilisations but that is not me. I am a protector, I guard those who can not protect themselves." Ky says.
"I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words, I scatter them in time and space. A message to lead myself here." Rose says waving her hand at the sign above them and the letters come flying down, only for her to fling them away scattering them around time and space.
"Rose, you've got to stop this. You've got to stop this now. You've got the entire vortex running through your head. You're going to burn." The Doctor tells her. He turns to his daughter next. "Ky. You can stop now, you're going to drain yourself come one, stop now, I need you to stop. Please." He says to her, begging her more than Rose. It would hurt him if something happened to her but if something happened to Kyraiah it would kill him.
"I want you safe. My Doctor. Protected from the false god."
"I need you safe, Dad. Protected for those who seek to harm you."
"You cannot hurt me. I am immortal." The Emperor says to them through the screen.
"You are tiny." Ky tells him. Rose then says, "I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence, and I divide them." Rose waves her hand and a Dalek disintegrates gently. At the same time Kyraiah clenches Both fists, but instead of it exploding like things have in the past the other two Daleks in front of them crumble into pebbles and dust like they had been made of stone.
"Everything must come to dust. All things. Everything dies." Rose says. The both girls say "The Time War ends."
The rest of the Daleks crumble, in two different ways, as both girls use there powers.
"I will not die. I cannot die!" The Emperor says to the girls. The spaceship disappears in a mixed golden and silver wave.

"Rose, you've done it. Now stop. Just let go." The Doctor says. Right now he was more concerned with her, Kyraiah had grown up with her powers, they were apart of her. But Roses was the vortex. That could kill her.
"How can I let go of this? I bring life." Rose says as somewhere else Jack breaths again. This makes both Timelords flinch.
"But this is wrong! You can't control life and death." The Doctor says.
"But I can. The sun and the moon, the day and night. But why do they hurt?" Rose says.
"The power's going to kill you and it's my fault." The Doctor tells her.
"I can see everything. All that is, all that was, all that ever could be." Rose tells him.
"That's what we see. That's what me and Ky see.  All the time. And doesn't it drive you mad?" The Doctor tells her.
"My head."
"Come here."
"It's killing me"
"I think you need a Doctor."
The Doctor kisses Rose. The golden energy transfers from her eyes to his, then she faints in his arms. The Doctor exhales the energy back into the Tardis and its doors close. He turns to as Ky. "You can stop now. You can turn your powers off now. It over, it's all over. We're safe." And as he says this, the silver glow disappears and Kys eyes go back to normal. "Dad we need to go." The Doctor smiles. She's freely calling him dad now.

Jack picks up a handful of Dalek dust from the floor, then runs when he hears the Tardis engines. He's too late. It dematerialises, leaving him stranded.

"What happened?" Rose says as she wakes up on the Tardis floor. "Don't you remember?" Ky asks her. Ky can feel what's coming and just wants to be by his side as this happens. She's never leaving him again.
"It's like there was this singing." Rose tells them.
"That's right. I sang a song and the Daleks ran away." The Doctor tells her.
"I was at home. No, I wasn't, I was in the Tardis, and there was this light. I can't remember anything else"
The Doctor's skin is darkening and glowing at the same time.
"Rose Tyler. I was going take you to so many places. Barcelona. Not the city Barcelona, the planet Barcelona. You'd love it. Fantastic place. They've got dogs with no noses. Imagine how many times a day you end up telling that joke, and it's still funny." The Doctor tells her. Ky just stands there letting him talk. But she knows wants to say one thing thing to him before the time comes.
"Then, why can't we go?" Rose asks confused.
"Maybe you will, and maybe I will. But not like this."
"You're not making sense." She says grinning at him, he's laughing and joking with her like he always does.
"I might never make sense again. I might have two heads, or no head. Imagine me with no head. And don't say that's an improvement. But it's a bit dodgy, this process. You never know what you're going to end up with" The Doctor says as double over in pain.
"Doctor!" Rose says as her grin falls.
"Stay away!" He tells her as she stepped closer. Ky stays next to his side. What's about to happen is no danger to her, like it is to Rose.
"Doctor, tell me what's going on." Rose asks again. She's so confused. She looks at Kyraiah and sees the slightly sad look on her face. This just confuses her more.

"I absorbed all the energy of the Time Vortex, and no one's meant to do that. Every cell in my body's dying." He tells her.
"Can't you do something?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'm doing it now. Time Lords have this little trick, it's sort of a way of cheating death. Except it means I'm going to change, and I'm not going to see you again. Not like this. Not with this daft old face. And before I go" he says looking at her in the eye.
"Don't say that." Rose shouts at him.
"Rose, before I go, I just want to tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I. And so were you Kyraiah." He says turning to his daughter.
She moves to his side knowing she doesn't have long left. Leaning up to his ear she whispers. "I love you, dad. I'll be right here, always." And kisses his cheek. She moves over to Roses side to keep her from moving towards her dad. He smiles softly at her.
Then Golden light burst out of the Doctor's body. This is not a nice quiet regeneration of the usual kind. Everything changes very suddenly and the tenth Doctor is standing there.
"Hello. Okay. Ooo, new teeth. That's weird. So, where was I? Oh, that's right. Barcelona." The new Doctor says.

(A/N) this is the end of Last Lady of Time I hope you enjoyed it. I have enjoyed writing it so much.

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